Chapter 25

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5 months later...

I was now 9 months pregnant and wasn't due for another 2 weeks. The end of July was only 2 days away, and then in 12 days, Atticus and I would have our two bundles of joy. I have to give him some credit, he has been really supportive during this whole pregnancy.

I've been having really bad mood swings and cravings the last month, and he hasn't complain once. The other night, I sent him on a Chinese food run at 2 am. But he's been just as excited as I have. We got settled into the new house, and we also told both of our parents. Each family was over excited, even though Dixon had to have some time to get used to the idea of us not being married and having kids.

My family was going to fly up here for two weeks after the babies were born, and my mom was going to help me get used to being a mother. Atticus' mother has also been a huge help. Amy came over to the house a couple months ago, and helped me set up the twins nursery. It was all white, with hints of blue.

Everything has been going well, but the only downside has been the Atticus and I haven't agreed on any names yet. He's been busy with work, trying to get a lot done so he can stay with me a couple days after the boys are born.

Like today, I stayed in bed for a little bit, I wasn't technically supposed to be getting up and doing a lot because that would induce an early labor, so Dr. Matthews put me on bed rest, but I don't really listen to her, unless Atticus is here, because he doesn't let me do anything.

I called our maid, Doris, to see if she would get me some fruit salad from the kitchen. For the past hour, I've been having pains in my stomach, but I brushed it off, thinking it was Braxton Hicks. An hour had past, and they slowly progressed into becoming more painful.

Soon I felt water rush down my leg, and onto the floor. I screamed, and began to panic. Doris rushed into the living room, and saw the puddle of water under me. She was just as shocked as I was. "Doris hand me my cell phone, and go get my labor bag!" She nodded and handed me my phone. I called Atticus, but he didn't answer the first time. So I called his office.

"Holdon Inc. how may I help you?" "Hi yes I need to talk to Atticus Holdon and stat!" "I'm sorry ma'am, but he's in a meeting right now, so you'll have to leave a message." "Yeah no, I need to talk to him now, I am his pregnant girlfriend, and I've went into labor. Tell him I'm heading to the hospital now!" "Yes ma'am."

Atticus' POV

I was in a video conference with my England company, when the secretary from downstairs rushed in. "Excuse me, but I am in a very important meeting, can you leave?"

She straightened up, and looked at me. "I'm sorry sir, but your pregnant girlfriend, Mrs. Sage, just called and told me to tell you, that she has went into labor, and she is heading to the hospital and you better meet her there!"

My eyes widen, and I became shock. Jumping up from my seat, I grabbed my briefcase and told Wyatt, one of my managers, to finish the meeting for me. I thanked the lady, and rushed out the door.

On the way to my car, I called Margaret. "Atticus fucking Holdon. Why did you not answer when I called you? I'm just in labor over here, but that's fine, it can be put off!"

"I'm sorry darling, I was in a meeting, I don't take phone calls." "Well you better start!" "I will, but I'll be the hospital in 5 minutes, what room are you in?" "I'm in room 409."


I had finally arrived at the hospital, when I got in our room, the nurse was checking Margaret to see if she was ready to push. "Ms. Sage is seems as if your only dilated to a 5 centimeters, the hospital is going to keep you. Hopefully you know, you must be 10 centimeters to start pushing. I'll come back in an hour to check you again. If you need anything just push the button on your remote, I'll be just right outside this door."

Margaret nodded and thank the nurse. I pulled a chair right up next to her bed. "Darling I'm sorry I didn't take your phone call. The babies weren't suppose to come this fast, but they'll be here soon, and I'll be here right next to you every step of the way." "It's ok, my water broke unexpectedly, I feel bad because I yelled at Doris, but my contractions were absolutely horrible."

Margaret's POV...

It had been 3 hours, and I had only dilated to 7 centimeters. I wasn't allowed to eat anything except for ice chips. My contractions became worse and I was ready for these babies  to come out already. Atticus went and got himself something to eat from the McDonald's down the street. I nearly ripped his head off for eating something that looked so good and I couldn't have it, right in front of me.

I made him turn around and eat it so I couldn't see the food. Hopefully these babies would be out soon.


It was 2:58, when my pains became unbearable. I called for the nurse, and she checked me. "Ms. Sage it looks as if you are ready to push." Finally, I thought. "I'll go get Dr. Matthews." I woke Atticus up, and told him to get ready, because we're about to have two babies.

He stood up by my side, and held my hand. Dr. Matthews rushed in, along with a few nurses. "Well good morning Ms. Sage and Mr. Atticus, both of you ready to have babies?"

We both nodded and I was ready for her to start telling me to push. "Okay on three Ms. Sage, I want you to give me a big push." She counted to three and I have the biggest push I could. "Here comes the head, you're doing great Ms. Sage." Finally I heard a small cry and a little weight lifted off of my shoulders. "Here's baby #1, one minutes ms. Sage, and you're pushing again."

I looked at my new baby boy, and started crying he was so beautiful. Dr. Matthews came and sat down again between my legs, with fresh gloves. "Ok, here we go. 1, 2, 3, push!"
I pushed as hard as I could, and I guess that was enough because I soon heard another little cry. I was done, finally I got to see my little bundles of joy, and I could get back into shape.

Dr. Matthews stitched me up, while the other nurses cleaned the boys up. After she was done, I sat my bed up and was actually able to hold them. I looked over to Atticus, who was right next to me the whole time, and he even had a few tears in his eyes.

"Their beautiful aren't they. I can't wait till they get a little older so I can teach them to play football and prepare them to take over the company. Or woo the ladies." Atticus said, I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"No, my boys will be respectful to women and know how to treat them right. Anyways, now for the grand finale, what are we naming them?"

Baby #1 had a mix of Atticus and I's hair, so it was dark blonde, with blue / green eyes. Baby #2 looked just like Atticus. He had hair as dark as chocolate, and light hazel eyes. "Well for baby #1, I think we Axel Reid, as for baby #2, we should named him Ryder Dean."

I looked up at him and he nodded. Today at been perfect, Atticus and I got out bundles of joy, and we were happy. Everything was right.


Hello Lovelies, this is the last chapter. Next chapter will be the epilogue. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and I may or may not write a sequel.

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