Chapter 1

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Bella's Pov

My name is Bella Gilbert and I am 15 years old and I sitting on a plane on my way to Mystic Falls Virginia coming from Forks Washington I am going to stay with my older sister Elena and our brother Jeremy while I can still walk because in another 8 years I will not be able to use my legs ever again according to the doctors that helped me get back on my feet from what happened with my adopted parents car accident 5 months ago.

Then after that I went and lived with the Cullen's since that was were my real parents sent me to live to keep me away from the danger of the world they lived in or so they told me when the social services sent me to live with my birth parents in Italy but that was before I was sent here to live with my adopted parents son and daughter as they were actually my cousins since my adopted parents where actually my aunt and uncle from my mothers side.

As the plane came to a stop I took a breath in and out and I took my belt off and waited for the flight attendant told me to get up and when they said that we could I got up from my seat and as I did I wobbled a bit but I ignored it and I started walking and I didn't stop until I got off of the plane and into the airport terminal and when I did I walked to the luggage handler and when I got there I looked for my bags.

Then when I found them I went to lift them but as I did a hand bypassed mine and lifted my suitcase up and he said here let me help you with that and I gasped and said stop let it go and I turned around and when I did I saw Elena, Jeremy and a man and I screamed and shout Elena and I ran to her the best I could and I put my arms around her and hugged her.

After the surprise attack from me she hugged me to and said nice to see you to sis and I just laughed and said sorry and she smiled and said it's ok anyway the guy with your luggage is Damon he is my boyfriends brother and I looked at Damon and said hi nice to meet you and he said smiling yeah you to.

Then Jeremy said so shall we go and Elena said yeah let's go and I said yeah I can't wait and so we walked out of the airport and to the car they brought and we got into it and then Damon drove us to Elena's house where I would be living for a while at least until I get someone to look after me better like a husband which is very unlikely.

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