Chapter 27

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Bella's Pov

When I woke up I saw I was lying on a bed and when I sat up I looked around and I saw I was in Carlisle and Esme's room and so I got off of the bed and I went to the door and when I opened it I heard screaming and crying coming from downstairs so I ran down them and I ran into the living room and when I got there I saw Amara crying and Hunter throwing stuff around the room.

Then I saw both Carlisle and Esme trying to calm them down while the rest of the family was keeping Hope and Reece out of the way and so I ran into the room and I shouted AMARA, HUNTER STOP RIGHT NOW and as soon as I shouted they both froze and stood still and looked at me and they looked scared but not at the same time.

So I said what's going on and they both started answering me at the same time so I said stop one at a time please and Amara said Mummy I got scared thinking you left but everyone told me you didn't but I didn't listen and so Hunter started shouting at me and when Esme and Reece told him to stop but he didn't and he made me cry more.

Then I looked at Hunter and said is that true and Hunter stepped back and said yes Mummy I'm sorry and I said it doesn't matter you should never throw or shout at your brother or sisters do you understand me and Hunter said as he started crying yes Mummy and I said good and I looked at Amara and I said no you why would I leave you.

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