Chapter 17

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Bella's Pov

After about 18 months of taking blood from me and having non stop sex I finally got pregnant and they were Klaus's and he was so pleased that he stopped his siblings from having sex with me and only having me for himself and so when we found out I was already 3 months along and he was so happy because he knew that they were going to be just like him.

Then about 3 more months into the pregnancy he had to stop taking my blood because the doctors said I was in danger of losing the babies and so he wasn't happy about it but he did it for the babies and when I say babies I mean babies I was pregnant with twins a boy and girl and I couldn't wait to meet them and I couldn't wait to name them either.

So on my 7th month Klaus came to me and said that we were getting married because it wasn't right to have kids if you weren't married so he took me to a church and he compelled the minister to marry us and so no he had even more control over me than he did have before but at least he trusts me now I mean I am now aloud to leave the Quarter only I have to take 3 hybrids with me at all times but I didn't care as long as I was partially free from the hell hole.

Then once I reached 8 months I was put on bed rest because the babies were becoming to big for my body to handle and so everyday the siblings come into the room and talk to me and keep me company while Klaus is out handling business with the witches, werewolves and vampires of the town and I mean me, Rebekah, Kol and Elijah have become close friends now that we aren't having sex 24/7.

So then when I hit my last month me and the siblings even Klaus were as happy as a family could be I wasn't under compulsion any more and I wasn't be held prisoner I was there on my own free will and I loved it there now I mean the wolves and the vampires have tried to kill me 5 times in the past 9 months of my pregnancy because they now know I am giving birth to Klaus's kids but every time the siblings and Klaus have been there to help me and save.

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