Chapter 30

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Bella's Pov

When we reached the boarder Carlisle stopped the car and turned it off and as he did I looked at the treaty line and as I did I saw about 9 men and 3 women standing there looking guarded and I smiled and said whoa pissed off much and Mum looked at me and said that's enough and I gulped and said sorry and then Dad said you sure about this and I said yes I am and then we all got out of the car.

When we got out the 3 of us walked up to the treaty and when we got there a man said Carlisle nice to see you again now what is it you want and my Dad said well it's not me that wanted to talk to you it is my daughter and Carlisle pointed to me and all the wolves looked at me and I heard one of them gasped but ignored it as the same man said oh yeah and why is that.

Then I said ok look I need help and if me and my kids are going to survive the trouble we are in I need all the help I can get and the man said ok first let me introduce us I'm Sam and to my left is Jared, Paul, Jacob, Rachel and Embry and to my left is Rebecca, Quil, Seth, Leah, Brady and Collin and I said hi nice to meet you all I'm Bella and as I said that I saw 1 wolf in particular look at me with love in his eyes it was Embry.

So when I looked back at him I felt like running to him and kissing him so much but I ignored the feeling and said so here my story about 7 years and 3 months ago I was kidnapped from my brother and sisters house by a vampire named Klaus and his siblings and after they kidnapped me Klaus and his brothers wanted to get me pregnant so for 1 year and 6 months all they did was rape and beat upon rape and beat me.

They kept doing that over and over until finally I got pregnant and finally after about 6 years and 3 months of living until his roof while he beat me and the kids I left him I tricked him and his siblings then after I tricked them I ran and I took the kids and by now he knows I have left so I can't help but think that him and his siblings are after me and so that's why I need protection and so do my kids.

So as I said this Embry started growling and he took a step forward and as he did I made a confused look and when I did Sam said stand down Embry and so Embry stopped moving and started whimpering like a dog which he kinda was and I said so will you protect me and my kids and Sam said yes we will but only if we can see the kids.

Then I gulped and said ok fine and I took out my phone and phoned Rosalie and told her and Emmett to bring Hope and Reece to the treaty line and then I phoned Alice and Jasper and told them to bring Amara and Hunter to the treaty line and they all said ok and so for 30 minutes all I did was stare and smile at Embry while waiting for my 4 kids to come so that the wolves could see them.

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