Chapter 26

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Bella's pov

When I got back downstairs I went over to the couch in the living room where I saw that was were everyone was sitting and I sat down and when I did I was bombarded with questions upon questions about my life and so I said everyone shut up and they all did and I said ok I will explain but you must promise not to get angry.

So then Carlisle said we can't promise that Bella you were once family to us you know that and I said yeah I know and Esme said just tell us Bella and I said ok fine and Rosalie said we won't judge promise and I said good so about 7 years and 3 months ago I was kidnapped from my brother and sisters house by a vampire named Klaus and his siblings.

Then I heard the Cullen's gasp which mean they must know him but I continued and after they kidnapped me Klaus or his brothers wanted to get me pregnant so for 1 year and 6 months all they did was rape and beat upon rape and beat me until finally I got pregnant and finally after about 6 years and 3 months of living until his roof while he beat me and the kids I left him I tricked him and his siblings.

So then I took the kids and I ran and he knows I have left so I can't help but think that him and his siblings are after me and as I stopped talking and I saw that the whole family seemed angry and I said please don't be mad and Carlisle said we aren't mad or angry at you Bella it's Klaus and the siblings we are mad at.

Then I said oh ok well I came here to ask you if you would keep us safe and away from them all for the sake of my kids and Esme said of course we will we consider you family Bella and we always will no matter what ok and I smiled and said ok Mum I love you all so much you really are my family no matter what anyone says about you or me or my kids.

As I said that Rosalie came over to me and sat down beside me and pulled me into her embrace and said as I relaxed and lied down on her knees it's ok to be scared Bella this happened to me to just before I was turned and I said it did and Rosalie said yes it did and so I sighed and I said thank you Rose and I fell to sleep after a while of giving in and crying my eyes out on Rose's knee.

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