Chapter 20

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Bella's Pov

As soon as Reece took the keys he said be careful Mum and I always son now so and so the kids all ran to their rooms and I walked back over to Hope's room and I still heard shouting and I opened the room door and when it was opened I walked in and saw that Klaus was hitting Hope on the backside while Elijah and Kol where watching and I just thought that was sick so I ran over to Klaus and I pulled his hand off of Hope.

Then I said running over to Hope and pulling her into my arms and holding her while she was crying Klaus stop hitting her for gods sake she may look 8 but she is only 5 years old ass hole wise up and Klaus looked at me and growled and I said Elijah, Kol how could you let him do this to my baby girl she is only a child and Kol said she isn't a baby anymore no matter how you look at it.

When I said that I looked at Hope and I said Hope sweetie can you go to your brothers room and stay with him he will tell you what's going to happen ok and Hope said but Mum what about Dad I don't want you hurt and I said I won't be hurt now go and so Hope got off of me and went for the door but before she got there Klaus grabbed her and she screamed so I said Klaus if you want me and the kids to stay let go of her.

Then Klaus growled again and said fine and let go of Hope and then she ran out of the room and Elijah said Bella why did you say that and I said I said that because Klaus needs to learn that he can't just beat our children like he did with me before they were born and I will do anything to protect them.

So I looked at Klaus and I said we are done no more Mr and Mrs and no more blood and then I ran out of the room and heard Klaus shout grab her before I shouted kids now and so I saw the kids running out of Reece's room and downstairs and when they got down I followed after them and when they got out of the house and out to the car they got into it and locked the doors just like I said for Reece to do.

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