Chapter 28

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Bella's Pov

As soon as I said that Amara said because Hope told me that you would leave us when you got the chance because we are a burden on you and I looked at Hope and said why would you think that and Reece said Mum she's not the only one thinking it we all are you are to scared of Dad to keep us around and I stepped back and looked at my kids.

Then I said don't none of you ever think that ever again I am you mother and no matter what happens I will never ever leave you do you all understand me and my kids all said yes Mum and I said good and I looked at Amara and Hunter and I said right you both go to your room and Hunter said but Mummy why.

So I said because you both ignored your Grandma and your brother and sister when they told you to calm down maybe some time in your room will make you listen now go and both of them huffed and stormed upstairs and I smiled and said stop messing around and go to your room now and so then I heard a door shut and I sighed and then I looked at Hope and Hunter and said how would you both like to go on a field trip with your Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Emmett.

Then they both screamed jumping up and down yes yes please and I looked at Rose and Emmy and I said please just for a little while and they both smiled at me and said sure and then both of them and my 2 older kids walked out the door together and got into the car and drove somewhere to get them out of my way for a while so that I can do what I needed to do.

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