Chapter 51

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Bella's Pov

When I finally woke up I saw I was back in my room in my Mother and Father's castle and so I smiled and I sat up on the bed and I looked around and I heard no one so I stood up and I went over to the door and I opened it and when I did I saw Felix and Alec standing there and so I smiled and said hey guys want to let me out.

Then they both gasped and turned around and they both pulled me into a hug and Alec said Bella we thought we lost you and I said never brother never and Felix said how you feeling and I said I feel great whatever Carlisle gave me worked and Alec said yeah it worked alright and I said ok so now that we know I'm alive can you please take me to where my kids are I want to see Caleb and Riley.

So they both smiled and said sure Bella and they started walking and so I followed and I followed them until we reached the thrown room and when we did both boys opened the doors for me and we all walked in and when we did everyone shouted surprise and I jumped and as I did I laughed to and so I walked into the room more and Felix shut the door after me.

Then I looked up I saw my family and I smiled and ran over to them and I hugged them and said Amara, Hunter, Hope and Reece you have all grown up and they all hugged me back and said never Mum never not for you and I smiled and said thanks guys and I looked down and I said 2 little girl about 5 years old and I knew right away I was gone for 3 years and I gasped and I bent down to them.

That I said oh my you girls have gotten so big I'm so sorry I wasn't here to see it and Clara said it's ok Mummy your here now and Chloe said yeah Mummy your here now and both girls hugged me and I hugged them back and I started tickling them and everyone laughed and then 2 boys beside my baby girls said Mama what about us and I saw right away that they were Caleb and Riley.

Who look to be at least 3 years old and so I started crying as I let go of my girls and went to my boys and I said as I hugged both of my sons I have missed so so much of your lives how could I do that and Caleb said it ok Mama Dada told us you love us and I smiled and said of course I love you both I love you all and nothing will ever change that no matter how long I'm gone for.

Then I let go of my sons and I look over to Embry who was standing beside the pack and I ran over to him and I jumped into his arms and I kissed his lips and as I did all the kids said ewww stop that is disgusting and me and Embry just laughed and Embry said how you feeling and I said I feel fine now that I'm home and Embry said I'm sure you do and I let go of him and I go round the pack and the imprints hugging them all and then I walked over to my Mum and Dad.

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