Chapter 32

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Bella's Pov

Once we would all be in pain if we left our imprints I knew we had no choice and so I groaned and said great and I looked at the Cullen's my old family once again and I ran to them all and I hugged them and said I love you all so much and the Cullen's all said we love you to and we will never give up if you need us to help fight Klaus and his siblings we are here and always will be and I smiled and said thanks guys.

Then I let go of them and I walked to the other side of the treaty line and I walked straight into Embry's arms and when I did he hugged me and I hugged him and then I watched as the Cullen's drove away from me and my kids and then I looked around and I said to my kids since being away from our imprints will hurt us you may all stay at your imprints houses but I want to see the 4 of you everyday twice a day do you understand me.

So my kids all laughed and said yes Mummy we understand and I said ok good and then I looked at their imprints and I said do not make me regret this or I will make you pay got it and I saw with my vampire eye sight that the wolves all gulped and I smiled and said take care of my kids and the wolves of my kids all nodded their heads as they phased into wolves and then I saw my 4 kids get onto their wolves backs.

Then I gasped and said holy shit and then the wolves my kids where all on took off running towards their homes and then I looked around and I saw that the other wolves where all gone to and that it was just me and Embry standing there so I said alright lets go and so Embry said ok and then he phased and when he did he licked my face.

So then I giggled and said stop that it tickles as I climbed onto his back and when I did he howled and I guessed it was for me to hold on so I rapped my arms around his neck and then he took off running to his house and after that day everything was different and everything had changed and my live was now amazing and nothing was ever going to be the same again.

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