Chapter 23

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Bella's Pov

Once I had arrived in Forks I drove into the woods and I kept driving until I reached the Cullen's old house in the middle of the woods and by the time I got there my kids where all awake but Amara was still sleeping and so I looked at my kids in the mirror and I said everyone ok and Hope said Mum you look different what have you done.

Then I said nothing the only thing I have done is keep all of you safe and then I turned the car off and Amara said Mum whose house is this and I said well this is my friends the Cullen's house I used to live with them before I had all of you and Hunter said so does that mean they are like family Mummy and I said yes sweetie yes it does.

So then Reece said Mummy what's going to happen Daddy and the family and I said I don't know son but I'm hoping that my friends and their friends will help us get them back ok and Hope said ok Mummy and then I said opening the car door ok I want all of you to stay in the car and when I wave to tell you to come in none of you leave Reece's side got it and my kids all said ok Mum.

Then I said ok good now Reece when you come in make sure Amara does not leave your side ok and Reece said ok Mum and then I said good and I got out of the car and I shut the door after me and I looked at my kids and smiled and then I walked up to the house's front door and I knocked on it so loudly you'd think there was a herd of Elephants at it. 

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