Chapter Six

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"Okay girls, here are your lists." Jules said handing the lists off. "Get what they want and meet back here in 30 minutes."

"Whatever." Aspen mumbled, grabbing Cody and dragging her with her.

"Don't tell them, but this is a test to see how they act in public as well as getting sexy clothes." Jules whispered to Arianna. "Management wants to see how they act in public, you can't start fights or attract attention. We have to keep it low key."

"Gottcha." Arianna smiled. "Do you have any idea on Luke's preferences? I mean, I can't exactly buy handcuffs here."

"Oh trust me," Jules said, pulling her along as they walked. "We have plenty of toys for him at home."

"So I just need bras and such?" Arianna asked, Jules nodded. "Any color or pattern he likes?"

"Blue, black and red." Jules said looking around. "Get a variety of things. Sometimes he likes to change it up."

"Got it, thank you!" Arianna smiled as she parted from Jules.

"Where the hell would I get some of this?" Cody whispered. "What do you wear for a guy with a daddy kink?"

"I have no clue." Aspen shrugged, looking through a pile of lace bras.

"Can I help you two?" A sales woman asked. Aspen ignored her. "Maybe I can help you find your section?"

"My section?" Aspen asked dryly.

"Well, do you think these will fit-" Aspen cut the poor woman off.

"How dare you!" She hollered. "How dare you insult me like that!"

"Ma'am, I wasn't trying to insult you." The woman said calmly. She had a point. Aspen was looking at bras much to big for her.

"Yes, you obviously were!" Aspen fumed, Jules heard yelling from nearby and speedily walked to see what all the commotion was. She knew it was Aspen but she still prayed it wasn't her. "I can't believe they let you work in a place like this if you're rude to customers!"

"Aspen!" Jules hissed rushing over and grabbing her arm. "I'm so sorry ma'am, excuse her, she's not in the best mood." Jules apologized to the sales woman, trying to put the pieces of the situation back together.

"In all my years of working here I have never seen such disrespect from a woman!" The sales woman exclaimed. "You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady." She pointed a finger at Aspen. Aspen rolled her eyes but Jules yanked her away and brisked her off to an empty section of the store.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Jules hissed. "Are you trying to lose your job on the first day?"

"My problem is you and everyone who tries to boss me around." Aspen spat. "You're not so high and mighty bitch, you're a whore. Nothing more, but probably a lot less."

"I'm not trying to boss you around." Jules fumed, but then regained control of her feelings. "I was given instructions on what I was to do and I follow them. I'm not a whore, and even if I was, you're no better. You're here for the same thing."

"You aren't in charge of me."

"Oh, yes I am." Jules hissed. "You listen to me for the initiation weeks, if you somehow make it through you won't always have to listen to me. But guess what? We're on day fucking one and you have to listen to me."

"Or what?" Aspen challenged. "What if I don't?"

"Then I hit my #1 on speed dial and Mr. Tomlin will be here within half an hour." Jules warned. "This is your last fucking warning, now go. Get bras that are your size and let's get out of here without another scene. Got it?"

"So how was shopping?" Michael asked, greeting Jules at the door with a kiss.

"Horrible." Jules mumbled, then saw the other guys standing there, she cleared her throat. "Wonderful!" She lied. "Don't worry boys, your girls got things I know you'll like!"

"Time for dinner?" Luke asked.

"Course, let me go put away my bags and I'll start." Jules smiled. "Why don't you boys get the ingredients out? I have to go get the girls changed,"

"Costume night?" Calum asked, remembering Jules' first night at the house. She had to wear a costume of sorts.

"For them, yes." Jules smiled.

"What will you wear?" Cody asked, walking through the door.

"You'll see, I grabbed it when you weren't looking." Jules smirked as she jogged up the stairs.

"It's probably something slutty." Aspen mumbled, slamming the front door and walking in with her single bag.

"Well," Michael shrugged. "That's kind of the point, but at least she won't look as bad as you." The other three boys howled and disappeared in the kitchen. Leaving the girls to get dressed and ready. 

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