Chapter Thirty Four

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"Surprise?" I mumbled under my breath as I scrolled through my instagram feed. "What the hell could this surprise be?"

"Well, I know it's something you're going to love." Mikey walked in with the biggest smile on his face.

"It's been like an hour." I laughed nervously, "When do I get this so-called surprise?"

Michael glanced down at his phone and grabbed the TV remote, "In about 30 seconds." I looked up at him and he just smiled and then I looked over to the TV and watched as the picture came to the screen. I held my breath as I saw Ashton, Luke and Calum on a show set.

"Welcome back! Right before we cut to commercial we gave a little hint as to who our surprise guest was for today but here's 3 out of 4 of their group, 5 Seconds of Summer!" The crowd erupted into screams of girls and the boys all waved. "So why don't you tell everyone why you're here on such short notice?"

"Well, early this morning around 1am I walked downstairs to find our very good friend Jules in the sound room writing songs." Ashton answered. "I read some of them and I knew I had to get them out here for everyone to hear."

"Do you mean Jules Matthews? Who's rumored to be carrying your bandmate, Michael Clifford's baby?" Ellen's guest asked.

"No comment on that." Ashton snapped quickly, "Our main focus of being here today is to get Jules' musical talents out there."

"So you'll be singing one of her songs?" Ellen's guest asked.

"Yes sir, I'll be singing a song she wrote not too long ago. She's just finding out we're here right now so I hope I can sing it how she would want it." Ashton chuckled.

"How about, you call her down here?" Ellen suggested, "She could easily be here in 15 minutes and she could sing it for us." I froze in my spot, was I ready for that?

"I'll call her now." Ashton said pulling out his phone.

"Put it on speaker." Her guest smiled.

My phone started ringing and I cleared my throat before I picked up, "Hello?" I could hear my voice on the TV.

"Hey Jules, are you watching TV?" Calum asked.

"No, I was just about to turn it on though. Why?" I lied.

"Well, we just got a call and you were invited to join us for an interview on Ellen. Would you want to come and maybe sing one of your songs?" Ashton asked.

"Oh god." I laughed nervously as I heard the crowd muffle their laughter.

"It would be a great way to get your songs out there." Luke mentioned. I glanced at the TV and watched Ellen take the phone from Ashton.

"Hello, Jules?" Ellen asked.

"Yes, hello!" I laughed.

"This is Ellen."

"Oh gosh!" I acted embarrassed. "Hello Ellen!"

"So would you like to come down and give a performance?" Ellen asked, "YOu can't say no by the way. The crowd lost it.

I started laughed, "Alright, I guess I'll be there soon."

"Fabulous!" Ellen laughed, "Bring that handsome fourth band member with you, will ya? I want to see what hair color we're dealing with this month."

I laughed a genuine laugh, "I'll go track him down and come down. See you soon!" I hung up the phone and looked up to Michael who was smiling big, "What?" I asked.

"That wasn't our exact plan." He admitted, "But it turned out even better." He laughed, "Come on, let's get ready and go. You're gonna get introduced to the world today as someone new." 

Owned. & Disasterology (#Wattys2016)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora