Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Jules' P.O.V*

Honestly, yesterday I thought when I told Michael that he would have freaked out on me and yelled, I didn't expect his reaction to be that...calm. I woke up with a smile on my face and turned to see it was 7:30am, Christmas. When I was living at home my family couldn't start before now because it was too early for everyone. I smiled as I put my phone in my pocket, not even bothering to check my notifications and got up to go to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth because my teeth felt nasty. I smiled again to myself in the mirror, nothing could bring my mood down, especially because it was Christmas. I stopped in my tracks as I smelled one of my favorite smells, bacon. I giggly ran down the stairs to see Michael cooking up some bacon.

"Mornin'!" I smiled as I walked up next to him. Grease popped up from the pan and hit me in the arm, I flinched, "Why is it only me that gets hit with grease?" I laughed as I backed away.

"No idea." Michael laughed, "But you look gorgeous."

I blushed, "Awe thank you!" I hugged him from behind. "Is anyone else awake?"

"No, but they should be awake soon." Michael said pulling out the finished bacon. "Why don't you watch TV until they all wake up?"

"Good idea!" I smiled, grabbing a piece of bacon and kissing him on the cheek. "I feel like I should eat a bit healthier now that I'm, ya know, but at the same time I love bacon." I laughed, walking into the other room.

"Maybe just make it a treat once a week?" Michael called.

"True, I could do that." I called back, picking up the remote and turning on the TV to the last channel.

"-The news broke out and blew up overnight." The news woman said looking to the camera. I watched and I felt my whole world go into slow motion, "Famous guitarist of the band 5 Seconds of Summer is rumored to be a soon-to-be-father. The mother rumored to be his best friend and now supposed secret lover, Jules Matthews."

"M-Michael!" I called for him and I slowly turned up the volume.

"Yeah?" He called back.

"Come here!" I called, "Now." 

Owned. & Disasterology (#Wattys2016)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora