Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"What the fuck are you doing?!" I sucked in a breath as I turned around to come face to face with Zoei. "Are you fucking insane? That's my fucking phone!"

"That we bought for you." I kicked the biggest part of the phone that was still intact. "And you used it to tell the world about my baby!"

"Don't you want the world to know?" She yelled back. "You're so fucking stupid! You could gain so much more publicity with a baby!"

"I could've lost my fucking job!" I began to yell. "I would've had to leave here, leave Michael and raised my child without his or her father! You did this. You betrayed us!" I felt my face turning red with anger, I was mad before, but now I was livid. "You want me gone, don't you? You never liked me. With me out of the way you thought you could hook up with my boyfriend!"

"Wow, she is smart!" Zoei yelled, "It only took you this long to figure it out." She snorted, "You're a fucking bitch, a control freak. Everyone wants you to leave."

"That's a lie." Zoei turned around and Arianna was coming through the house, barreling at her. "You and AJ want her gone, I want her here. You two are liars in every way possible." She stopped her pace, "And if I know anything about Jules-which I do- it's that she hates liars."

"She's not wrong." I smirked, bending down and picking up the shattered remains of the phones and walked over to Zoei, just as AJ rounded the corner.

"Why are they packing our shit?" AJ asked, "Vacation?"

I smiled, looking at both of them, "You could say that." 

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