Chapter Eighteen

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"What did you lie about?" I asked her, "You're a model, right?"

"Yeah, I am. A Victoria's Secret model for a year and a half." Zoei didn't pick her chin up to look at me.

"Then what did you lie about?" I asked her again.

"I'm-I'm not very experienced in this." Zoei let out a soft sob. "I-I thought if I said I was then I would get a better shot at the job. It's always been a dream to date Ash-"

"You aren't dating him." I softly reminded her, "You're having sex with him for money."

"I-I-I.." She couldn't get any words out.

"Look, Zoei." I put a hand on her shoulder. "While I'm not happy that you lied on your application, we didn't just choose you because you said you've had sex before. There's a lot that goes into this process." She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. "Look, I'm not going to send you away because of this, I want you to stay. Besides," I chuckled, "Who better to lose your virginity to than your celebrity crush?"

She laughed a bit, "I guess you're right." She wiped her nose again, "But I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." I rubbed her arm. "I'll talk to Ash during dinner. Are you sure you wanna lose it tonight?" She nodded, "Alright, well go downstairs and eat some food. You're no longer a Victoria's Secret model, you gotta start eating some more." I joked.

"I know." She laughed, "See you downstairs."

"See you downstairs." I waved and walked out of my room and back to Michael's. "You ready to go down?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just have one thing I need to ask you." He said grabbing a box from his dresser. Oh lord.

"Uh, yeah..what's up?" I asked nervously.

"Well, you know how Christmas is coming up and everything?" he asked, I nodded in response. "Well, I need you opinon on something."

"Okay.." I said walking over.

He opened the box and it was a framed picture of him and the boys. "What do you think?"

"Awe! You guys look so cute!" I laughed.

"I also got Luke and Calum personalized guitar picks, and Ash a new set of drum sticks." Michael said putting the box away.

"You sound like the perfect friend." I laughed, then stopped. "What are you going to get Rebecca?" I asked.

"Nothing as of now." Michael shrugged. "Everyone knows, even the fans, that her and I are publicity. Nobody believes that story anymore. I'm gonna break up with her, not like we were really dating anyways." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth and nodded, "But my presents for you will be utterly amazing."

"You don't have to-"

"Shh, of course I'm going to get you things for Christmas, Jules. We all got you stuff last year, this year is just a little different for you and me." Michael smirked, "Now come on." He grabbed my hand, "I'm starving."

In the middle of dinner I got up off the couch and walked over to Ash. "Hey," I bent down and whispered into his ear, "Can I talk to you real quick?"

"Yep." He said getting up and following me into the foyer. "What's up, Jules?"

"I talked to Zoei earlier." I started off slow, not sure if I should just ask him to be romantic or what.

"Okay, and?" He asked, seeming a bit anxious.

"She lied on her application Ash." I said it blunt, "She's a virgin." His face showed no emotion, "So I wanted to talk to you and just see if maybe-"

"If I could make it about her for tonight?" He asked, running a hand through his hair. "Jules-"

"Ash please." I begged, "It will be a one time thing. I don't wanna send her home over this, and even if I did I wouldn't have a replacement for a day or two."

"I just, I don't know." Ash rubbed his face.

"Ash, stop being stubborn." I snapped, trying to get him to be himself again. "This whole job, yes we're supposed to please you but you know what? It's fucking amazing when you guys return the favor."

"I don't usually-"

"I know you don't." I rolled my eyes, "Luke did. Calum did. And the Lord knows Michael does."

"Of course Michael returns the favor to you." Ashton laughed, "We all know the reasoning behind that one."

"That's none of your business and has nothing to do with anything." I growled, "Luke and Cal don't feel that was about me but they always returned a favor." I spun on my heel, "Keep acting that way and I'll send her." I warned, "And I won't fill in."

"Wait!" Ash said, sounding defeated. "I'm sorry." I turned around and walked back over to him.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"Acting like that." He sighed, "I shouldn't treat you guys like that. I don't know what came over me, it's probably just stress. I don't actually feel that way about you guys and I do return the favor...sometimes."

"Look, Ash." I put my hand on his arm, "I know when I first came here I was literally just another whore who was coming through."

"But you're not." Ash defended me about what I was saying. "You're a friend, you're family."

"I know that." I smiled, "And you have to look at these girls as potential close friends." I playfully punched him, "So what do you say? One night you pleasure the girl?"

He playfully rolled his eyes and smiled, "Fine." He laughed, "Only because you persuaded me."

"Now come on." I smiled, "Let's go finish that food." 

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