Chapter Thirty Five

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"And we're back with the whole band 5 Seconds of Summer and an extra special guest, their extremely close friend, Jules Matthews!" Ellen introduced us as she sat across from us with her own guest, who I still did not know the name of.

"Great to be here, Ellen." Michael smiled.

"And here we have it folks! Michael Clifford with a brand new hair color! Blond?" Ellen laughed.

"I plan to do something more with it later on, but for now, yes, blond." Michael laughed.

"Alright boys, now don't take this the wrong way but I know all about you four." Ellen laughed, "I want to spend a little time learning more about this one right here." Ellen pointed to me and I laughed and waved to the crowd. "Jules Matthews, the girl who just seemed to come out of thin air. Who are you, Jules?"

"I'm just a girl who's been looking for her chance to break into one of the biggest industries." I smiled.

"Oh come on, give me something more!" Ellen laughed, "What's the most trouble you've ever gotten into?"

"Oh gosh, uh." I laughed, trying to think of an answer. "I don't think I've ever gotten into big trouble."

"Ah, so you deal punishments but don't receive them?" Ellen asked.

"More or less." I laughed along with her.

"When did you start writing?" Ellen asked, "What caused the spark?"

"I think I was around 15 when I started writing music. I was going through a really rough spot in my life and I found an outlet for all of my negative energy and I've been using it ever since." I tried to force a smile.

"Well, I know I'm dying to hear your song so let's go to commercial break and when we come back we'll get a performance from Jules!"


"You met her five minutes ago and now you get a first hear of her not-official debut song, Fire & Gold! Give it up for Jules Matthews!"

I took a deep breath as the boys started playing behind me. I took one last breath before singing the opening verse: "Like an astronaut that's scared of heights. With a heart that's beating at the speed of light. You've been waiting for this feeling all your life. Sometimes it's just hard to realize." I paused for a moment and began the bridge: "When you're stuck in a moment. And your spark has been stolen. This is our time to own it. So own it." And then a second later I sang the chorus: "Baby, we were born with, Fire & gold in our eyes, eyes! With fire & gold in our eyes, eyes! Got lightning in a bottle, Hands on the throttle, Even in the dust we shine! With fire & gold in our eyes!" The rest of the song went smoother than I ever thought it would.

"Now Jules, that one line in your song, was that about a special someone?" Ellen asked, raising an eyebrow. She handed me a paper, "Sing that verse, please."

"There is love inside this madness, We are walking on the moon, Though I don't believe in magic, I believe in me and you! Oo, ooo, oooo...Oo, ooo, oooo... I believe in me and you, I believe in me and you." I looked down and smiled at my lap because she was right, it was about Michael.

"So I was right." Ellen cracked a bright smile, "It is about someone special."

I nodded slowly, still looking down, "Yes."

"Now, I know that you might be hesitant to answer this question and we can pass on it if you wish, but I have to ask, are the rumors about the baby true?"

I sat still for a moment before answering, I can't believe I was about to say this but I had to. "Ellen, I'd like to put the rumors to rest once and for all, right here and right now." I smiled and forced a laugh,

"So the rumor isn't true?" Ellen made a relived noise.

I looked over to the camera and smiled, "My name is Jules Matthews and I want to clear one thing up about this rumor." The room went dead silent, even Ellen stopped laughing, "It's true." I paused, "I am pregnant." 

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