Chapter Fifteen

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*Jules' P.O.V*

"Are you coming with me, Nialler?" I asked him as we walked down the hall to my next meeting to find Aspen and Cody's replacements. "You don't have to, you can go back to the house."

"I think I'll just stay." Niall smiled. "Is this what you do when you aren't home?" He asked.

I nodded, "Unfortunately." I sighed, "This is my life."

"It's not completely terrible." He shrugged, "Could be worse."

"That's true." I smiled, opening the door and letting him walk in first. "Good morning ladies!" I greeted them, "My name is Jules and I work for the boys." I smiled.

"Work for them here?" One girl smirked, "Or work-work for them?" She asked.

"Both." I shrugged. "Alright, let's get some names."

"Zoei Edwards."

"McKinley Dimond."

"Adeisyn Cooper."

"Aj Anderson." They all smiled at me.

"Alright, question time!" I smiled.

"Questions?" Adeisyn asked, "They didn't mention a question part."

"If you have a problem with it, there's the door." I said pointing to the door. Adeisyn stood still, "Alrighty, question one." I sat on the desk and Niall sat next to me. "So my first question would be, why do you want to work for Ashton or Calum?" Nobody began to answer right away, "We can go down the line or skip around, it doesn't matter."

"Well," Zoei smiled, "I know I've been a fan of the band for a long while and I always dreamt of dating Ashton." She seemed swoon. "He's just so perfect, so when my agent informed me you were thinking about considering me I jumped at the chance!" I nodded and turned to look at the other girls.

"Well for me," McKinley chuckled, "I know it seems stupid but it was always kind of my dream to be a groupie of sorts for a band when I grew up." I gave her a look, as if asking for more information, "My family was broken." She explained, "It led to bad choices and bad decisions and this is the road it put me on."

"I was a stripper," Adeisyn started off, "And I was contacted about how to make a better living and well, here I am."

"As for me," AJ smiled, "I was a playboy model and they put me up for the job and well, here I am."

"Fabulous," I said taking notes. "And for whom would your ideal man be?"

"Ashton." Zoei and Adeisyn smiled.

"Calum." McKinley and AJ nodded.

"Alright, next question." I said skimming my notes. "Biggest turn on and turn offs?"

"When they use pet names." Zoei smirked, "As for turn offs? Farting and just being nasty."

"When they play with my hair or vise versa is a turn on." McKinley concluded, "Turn offs? Sloppy work."

"Muscles and flexing are just a turn on." Adeisyn admitted, "Turn offs? Spitting and sloppy kissing."

"Biting their lip is a turn on to be honest." AJ admitted, I nodded in agreement, "Turn offs would be them having too much control."

"Your biggest weakness?" I asked, "Not necessarily in bed."'

"I get jealous easily." Zoei admitted.

"I sometimes cum too quickly." McKinley shrugged.

"I can be too blunt sometimes." Adeisyn shrugged, "Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad."

"Anything else with that?" I asked her, taking note. "Tell the truth."

"I can have trouble doing that too." Adeisyn admitted.

"I get angry quickly." AJ mumbled, "I have a bipolar disorder but take medication for it."

"Alright girls!' I smiled getting up, "I'll be right back and I'll let you guys know!" I grabbed Niall by the arm and pulled him into the other room. "Help me." I whispered, "I have no idea who to choose."

"You?" He chucked, "Having trouble deciding?"

"I'm serious!" I whispered, "Help me!" 

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