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This is an advice. People don't like advices but I am sure you want to know what I have to say. So, I am Jane Keller. I am someone who is skinny to the bones and people bully me for being this way. I just want to ask you a few questions. Just fill them out with yes / no.

1. Is it my fault that I am this way?

2. If yes, are you advising me to eat more?

3. If yes to 2, then I must tell you, I do eat more than required. Then what else do you suggest? Go back to 1?

4. If no to 1, then why am I bullied?

5. Do you feel insecure about your body?

6. If yes, why?

7. If it is because of what people think of your body, why not fuck the thinking? Why torment your body?

8. Write your insecurity here in this blank. _________

9. Now, picture your insecurity with your bully's face.

10. Now kick its nuts or 'not nuts', if it is a girl.

11. Feel good?

12. If yes, that is how you must feel all the time.

13. If no, go back to 9 and 10 and do it again.

14. Does this help you?

15. If yes, pass it on and screw the beauty standards.

16. If no, pass it on anyways and screw the beauty standards.

Believe me, you are beautiful or handsome the way you are. And I, Jane Keller, love you.

I put on the fliers everywhere on the bulletin boards around the campus and hand it on to anyone I pass by.

"This is incredible, Jane." Justin says handing the 'self-help' form to those walking past him.

"I know." I say smiling.

"I like this different. Though, everyone knows now who is the admin to this job, I can't help but feel happy about it."

Stop skinny shaming. Skinny shaming is as worse as fat shaming. Stop body shaming.


You can fill out this form too. I love you.

Feel good about yourself because that is what you deserve.

You are helluva beautiful.

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I love you all.


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