Guardian of the Omega Dimension-Part 2

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I flew towards the castle with the dragon flying after me, shooting ice balls at me. I had to dodge everyone of them like in my class at Alfea.

I was beginning to think how lucky I was to have chosen that subject. Soon, I saw the castle. I flew even faster. My wing muscles were aching.

I reached the castle and landed on the castle grounds. Surprisingly, the dragon stopped shooting and it flew away. 'Woah!' I thought. 'This castle must be powerful!'

Just then, my parents came out to see what all this commotion was about. They saw the dragon fly away. 'Mom what is that?' I asked.

'Oh it's one of the guardians of the Omega Dimension too. It actually helps freezes the prisoners that escapes their prisons.'

'But how come it doesn't recognise me?'

'Just say "Rimee-rimee-basson" it will know you are not a prisoner and it will leave you alone.'

I thank my mother and went into the castle together with my parents. Soon, it was lunch. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon and I haven't eaten my lunch! My back hurts a lot.

I transformed out of my out fit and went to have my lunch....

Sorry guys that this chapter is really short! I don't really have much time now a days so enjoy!!!! :) I will try to update soon!

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