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75. Daddy?


Tomoe froze up as Mizuki choked and cried in front of them, Something wasnt right, what he didn't know.. Until he said his mother was invovled.

Oh no..

Areno looked at Tomoe shcoked and slightly confused before Tomoe hopped off the couch. Nanami was on top of the stairs and gasped lightly as she covered her mouth and looked at Tomoe in shock. Gwen-who was in the kitchen- darted to the white haired teen and hugged him gently whiel Tomoe bit his lip weakly.

He didn't know what to do! He didn't have a clue! They didn't have a car because his father took it, why? Because he left him and left him alone... Tomoe honestly didn't know how long; Maybe it was for good and he would never see his father again... for some reason down deep inside he hoped so.

He really did..

Tomoe got up and swallowed before looking over at Areno, the black haired fox sighed out rather quickly and nodded,

" Everyone in my car." He snapped, ' Rii.. You might have to stay behind since I don't that many seats.' he whispered before she smiled and kissed his nose. The black haired fox smiled gently... for some reaosn..

This felt like he was finally making it up to Tomoe and his sister. His dead sister that he had promised... To take care of her boy; and now he got to. It was the best second chance he had ever gotten.. and he never wanted to let it go.. never again.

She smiled gently,

" Go.. " She whispere,d "And Keep your promise.' She smiled before the black haired fox blinked and almost choked, he held it in and hugged her before nodding.

" Thank you Rii.' he whispered and then turned towards the panicking teens,

" File your butts into the car or get left behind.' He then smirked slightly, ' I drive fast.' he smiled gently whiel Nanami nodded and ran outside after her mother helped her pull on some loose clothes.'

She then slipped into the back seat along with Tomoe and Gwen, Tomeo buckled her up as Mizuki got to sick beside Areno. The snake felt sick to the stomach.. he didn't know what to do.

They said he had to say goodbye..

But he wasn't ready!! HE DIDN"T WANT TO LOOSE HER! Curse Cancer! He didn't want this to happen, he was so scared.. he didn't want to loose her. If he did he'd be all alone, Even if Tomoe did loose his father... He was not alone.

But he would be.

Mizuki choked in panic before Tomoe leaned forward and patted his shoulder, he kept his other hand over Nanami to hold her in place as the car sped off towards the hopsital. Tomoe swore Areno knew people that was in the law if not he probably would of gone to jail for everything that was going on.'

So when they jerked into the ER parking Tomoe coudl of sworn he looked like a cat with its hair spiked up on all sides. Nanami had actaully held her stoamch and nearly started to pray in panic while Gwen was quiet and trying to breath.


Areno on the other hand unbuckled and Mizuki acted unfazed because of the state he was in.. He nearly jumped out of the car when it finally stopped and Tomoe had to get out shakingly.. Nanami was more okay then he was and that was saying alot since she had a baby in her system.

Gwen got out and ran in with them all but once they entered only Mizuki was allowed to go back. He looked at them weakly.. his eyes watery.

Why did this have to happen? Out of all times?

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