We Moved In and Beginning A Life Once Again...

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78. We moved In and Beginning a life Once Again...


Prepare For a HUGE time Skip, and Don't worry.. This will all be explained in Book TWO! XD After this is one more Chapter!!! ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR BOOK TWO!? XD


Silver had stayed quite that week, and for a few more weeks to come... They were to busy as they packed and fixed boxes upon boxes... It even got so bad that their power got turned off and they coudln't see hardly anything wen they were moving things at night.

The good thing was they could get food thanks to the social services.. They needed it bad and at times Tomoe would gather them all and they would all sit in the floor of the dark living room and light a fake fire.

The orange light shown on them as Tomoe and Nanami talked, Gwen made up stupid stories and even as Silver worked late into the night he brought Lily over when she got off work. She helped with her levitating powers and surprisingly she hit it right off with Nanami.

But he couldn't get the pendant out of his mind... He didn't know what it was, It seemed to affect him slightly; and he didn't knwo what it was. In fact, it confused him... more then anything. Tomoe had the other half of the Ying and Yang...

The white pedant, the other part. He didn't understand.. and yet he remembered a woman laughing and telling him to,

' Calm down. Brothers don't argue..'

Silver shook his head.

Today was the one day.. the one day where they didn't have to worry about Power, or food.. But they did have to worry about the pouring rain that was being shone outside.. and for the fact that Nanami bent down to pick up a box and lift it up...

" WHOA!!!!" Tomoe, Mizuki and Kurama screamed as Nanami whined when they yanked her arms back. Akura-ou went and out the box before Silver yanked it from him and rolled his eyes.

" STOP TREATING ME LIKE A CRIPPLE!!!" Nanami suddenly snapped leaving Tomoe to blink. His eyes grew wide whiel Gwen laughed weakly.. Ah.. the wonderful Momozeno snap. She remembered her husbands look... it terrified him for a long time. She giggled whiel Mizuki whined and hid behind Kurama.

Kurama shivered and swallowed while Nanami rubbed her stomach, it was out there now and what worried Tomoe was that it was raining outside. Plus it was in the middle fo winter and the rain was ice cold...

And Nanami was Eight months by this time around.

Tomoe bit his lip and sighed out while Silver rolled his eyes and looked out the window Kurama had pulled the moving truck to the back of the house so they could move the boxes easier but Nanami was getting antsy.. and crampy. And REALLY IRRITATED.

This only made Tomoe bit his lip slightly, She was twitching by this time and Silver, Lily, Akura-ou, Mizuki and Kurama were helping him move boxes to the SMALL moving truck they had. They already had some of the boxes at the flat and the place had been cleaned after a week or two.

Now they were moving out of the big house that Tomoe had known oh so well. It made him sigh out as he looked up at the high ceilings and high rafters before looking at Nanami who was ranting at her mom abut how hot she was at the moment.

He watched Gwen sigh and hand Nanami a hand fan before he chuckled weakly and walked over to her,

" Why don't you get in the car?" He smiled softly and stroked her head, this made the girl look up at him with her bright brown eyes. He smiled brightly at this... he loved her eyes, he loved them so much. Just like he loved her. More then anything in this whole world.

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