Chapter 7

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"Mr. & Mrs. Graham, welcome." I went to greet them as soon as I spotted them in the venue. It's finally Saturday and the last day of the competition so that's why of the big production around here. A stage, the sound testing, guests and the girls are backstage getting themselves ready for tonight.

"Hey.... Nicki, you look fabulous." Angela said poking my shoulder with a 'look at you' face.  It's an all back day for me, jump suit, heels, nothing much.

"Thank you, you look hot."

"Aren't we already hot, hun?" We both laughed.

"I thought I was your hun." Drake said trying to look hurt.

"No babe, you're my hub, Onika is my hun." Angela placed her hand his cheek like she was sparing his feeling by caressing his and giving him a smile I knew damn well it was fake.

I took that as a cue to leave. I am not about to turn into s third wheel just like that.

"Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone, I just came here really to say hello. Have a great time and enjoy the show."

"Thank you." They both said it at the same time and I left them.

It didn't pass much time I bumped into Drake again. I looked up to him looking between me, his half glass of champagne in his hand and and a wet and stained shirt and jacket.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry Mr. Graham." I said thinking it was my fault. He can't be wearing that shirt now, it's already smelling like alcohol.

"It's okay Onika."

"No it's not. I'll get someone to fix you a new outfit."

I called Luke, a guy who works o the clothing sector of MaBelle, he'll probably find something fashionably in no time.

"Okay guys. Go backstage, fourth dressing room and wait for me. I have an idea." He said and we did as he told do drying in different ways.

About five minutes later he came back with a few suits in hangers he was holding.

"I got this spare shirt and jacket from the collection that was left behind, it's a perfect match, no one will see a difference."

"Why bother. My night's already ruined." Drake said.

"Mrs. Graham, the show's is going to start soon, you can't leave. Please stay."

He huffed. "Alright, alright I'll stay."

"Thank you. Gentleman, let us leave Mr. Graham to his privacy." The men nodded and left, with me following behind.

"You Onika, stay." I heard Drake saying to me. I turned around to see him starting to undress himself, so I closed the door leaving us alone to each other's presence. So maybe this just wasn't a coincidence like a I thought. I crossed my arms over my chest making my way up to him.

"Drake, I don't think I have to be here while you're changing clothes. It's better if I wait outside."

"I already saw you half naked. What's wrong with you seeing me?" And off his white shirt.

"I know you spilled champagne on your clothes on purpose. What about Angela?"

"What the eyes can't see, the heart can't feel."

"Stop it, I can't do this to Angela, she's my friend." Well, actually she's not, I'm just waiting for her to back off first before I step in, I don't exactly want to be the main reason of their separate.

"And I think you're mixing up things. I'm not trying anything to jeopardise your marriage."

"You're saying that but we both know that is a complete lie."

"Oh please." I put my hand over his chest to try to keep him away from me but that's when we pulled me closer to him by my waist.

There's was no space left for us to move, if you don't count our heads foreword.

"Isn't that the kind of little games you like to play?" He whispered like there were people actually listening to us.

"What games?"

"You, me, alone, closed in between four walls... I just want to have a little taste of you." He started playing with my hair with his free hands as the other maintained me still.

"A little taste, huh?"

And for once I made the first move. I kissed him like I was killing my hunger for his lips. One day. One day away from him and just had to attack my boss like that. I fell in love with his kiss but I don't want to get attached to him. Might as well enough the fun of moment.

I jump to his lap and he didn't let go of my waist. My arms were snacked around his neck and hands playing with his curls.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"Maybe I want to get myself involved."
We continued to kiss until we heard a knock on the door I pulled away immediately as I heard my name being called from the other side.

"Yes?" I answered.

"The show starts in five. We need you to get in place."

"Okay, I'm coming."

When I was sure the person was gone, I jumped off of Drake's lap and grabbed my purse.

"Good luck covering this slip up to your wife." I smirked to him as I grabbed my purse and exited the room. I'm done with him for today, now my focus was judging.

I quickly made my way to where the other judges, my seat was between Pietro and Anthony, Andrea was in the other end.

The show began and the host (Laura) and judges were presented an blah blah blah... I wasn't really paying attention until the girls walked up on stage.

After a bunch of little speeches, each judge was asked to give their opinion on their favourite three photoshoots from the girls, they had done it not long ago so it was no biggie.

As the show moved on, I could see progress in everybody, especially that Gigi girl, stunning.

Long-short story, they competed in swimsuits, evening gowns and had to answer to some questions.

At the end of the show, turns out that voting for Zendaya was a unanimous decision among us so there's no doubt she's the big winner.

When the show was officially over I said goodbye to everyone then went straight home and took a shower before going to bed.

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