Chapter 1

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I walked in MaBelle's fancy headquarters building feeling rather confident. I finally got the job that I've been dying to get for about a year now. There were hundreds of other jobs I could have gotten in the meantime. But no. This specific one that would and will change my life.

As I walked through the hallways, the cold started to hug my legs as I was wearing a pencil skirt. Thank goodness I had a blazer on, which matched with my outfit.

The elevator was almost closing so I rushed to into to it. Luckily I was the last one in. It was very uncomfortable being there. I know everyone was staring at me, probably because I'm new here. The soft music in the background cleared my mind up a bit on that, but still.

A couple of more floors and there was only me and a man left. I guess we're both going to top floor. The nerves started to kick in, he kept sneaking glances at me. I just smacked my lips together to avoid any kind of sound from escaping my mouth.

We finally reached to top floor. When the the elevator door open, I remained in my spot waited for the man to get out first. I could feel his eyes looking down at me.

"Ladies first."

"Thank you." I said quietly while making my way out. Then I remembered that I wanted to go to the restroom. If I'm not mistaken, it's to the right so I diverted to that way.

I successfully got there. The only thing I did was reapply my lipglass. Then I just admired my reflection on the big mirror. Sure I could do this using my Hello Kitty mirror that I carry as a lucky charm, but I don't want to give a first impression that I'm a vain person or something. Nevertheless, always classy, never trashy.

I washed my hands and applied hand sanitiser and went over to where my desk is. The man that was with me on the elevator was standing there on his phone. He wasn't looking too pleased. I went over there like I didn't address him. I put my purse down when he ended his call. I was about to sit down when he spoke up.

"Oh, you must be Onika Maraj, my new secretary and personal assistant."

"And you must be my boss. Mr. Graham." Bingo!

I held my hand for him to shake, but instead he grabbed it placed a gentle kiss on it. I couldn't help but blush. This is a little too much for a person who just met me.

"Indeed, I am."

"I'm looking forward to work with you."

"Same here." I saw him scanning for the wide hallway that was behind me for people. It's pretty early so it was probably empty. "Since you're new here, may I have a few words with you in my office?"

I discreetly bit my lip. "Sure."

He led me to his office. He motioned for me to walk in first then he walked in closing the door behind him.

"Sit." He said. I sat down in the chair in front of his desk. He went and also sat down on his chair and gave it a spin before focusing on me again. Now that I got s full vision of my face, I realised he hasn't changed much since the last time I saw him. Maybe about 6'0, 6'1 by now, lightskin, full pink and juicy lips and black curly hair. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt and a black tie. Attractive and sexy. A perfect description for 'business man'. He waved his hand on my face, that's when I snapped from my trance.

"So, Ms. Maraj, right?"


He nodded. "What brought you here?"

"Well, I've been looking for a job that kind of suits me before I settle for something bigger."

"My last assistant has told some good things about you."

"Thank you. It's so thoughtful of Lauren of doing so." I smiled small to myself.

"You know Ms. Morrow?"

"Yes. We actually went to college together."

"Interesting. Did you attend the same course?"

"No, I did Fashion Design."

"Fashion Design?" I felt The enthusiasm in his voice. "Thoughts about opening your own business?"

"Well, yes. I graduate about seven months ago so I'm still taking one step at a time."

"That's cute. Take my advice, in this game, you have to have claws. You have to be a beast. That's the only way they're going to respect you. Move with attitude. Be persistent."

I rolled my eyes in the back of my head. I know this. "Thank you for your encouraging words. I appreciate it."

"Have you had another job before this one?"

"I was a waitress for two years."

He check his silver Michael Kors watch and pouted. "As much as I'd love to keep hearing more about your abilities, I'm afraid your shift starts in five minutes." He opened a drawer on his desk and took a dossier out of it, got up and went to were I was and handed it to me.

"What's this for?"

"It's your lifesaver in this job. There you can find everything you need to know. Schedules, meetings, projects and all. Everything is simply and explicitly written so that you wouldn't get confused. If anything more I'll make sure to call you. Any alterations you'll make sure to make the necessary arrangements. A simple but tough job."

"Really?" I said getting up and fixing swiftly my skirt.

"Are you asking for more, Ms. Maraj?"

"Just waiting for orders, sir."

He slowly walked to me, leaned a little and whispered. "Good girl." He put his hands on my shoulders and turn me around. "Off you go Ms. Maraj. We have a busy day ahead of us. My first client comes in at 8 o'clock sharp. Be ready."

Before I knew it, he already dragged me out of his office and closed the door behind me. I just hope this isn't going to be a living hell. He's already sending mixed signals, the last thing I will need is boss that pushes my buttons.

I take a deep breath and sit down to read the list of things that were set for the day.

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