Chapter 9

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We were all together waiting for Zendaya to get out of her room.  It's 2 in the afternoon and we only have about half an hour until we need to leave for the first part of the photoshoot.

"Zendaya, are you ready yet?" Laura asked sounding annoyed like always. We were outside her door waiting for like forever.

"Yeah." She answered from inside.

"Come on out then, we're waiting for you."

"Just a minute." A minute passes by and nothing. That's when I got an idea.

"Zendaya, mind if I come in." I asked softly.

"Come, come in."

I carefully opened the door and walked in. She was sitting on her bed facing the windows looking like she was bored.

I went to sit right beside her and stared at whatever she was looking at.

"Hey Zen."


"Is there something wrong? We need you on set as soon as possible today."

"Nothing's wrong, I just... Don't know if I can do this."

"What do you mean you can do this? Of course you can... What's bothering you, what's worrying you?"

"I'm worried if I'm not good enough for this."

"Don't be silly, you are. You wouldn't have won the competitor if you weren't."

"But what if I mess up something?"

"Then everybody that's there will be supporting you. You got this. You're gonna make it."

"Thanks." She hugged me and I held her until she let go.

"Your welcome. Now can we go before the rest kills us."

"Haha, sure."

We got up and gabbed her phone and sunglasses and we exited.

"She's ready, just experiencing anxiety." I said to them relaxing them.

"Glad you talked to her. Let's go people we don't have all day."

2 hours later

"I am I'm so bored." I whined to. Drake who was near me while pacing back on forth on the sand.

"Me too."


"Yeah, I don't want to be rude, but waiting is the worst part about these photoshoots."

"Let's get out of here, then."

"You sure? Won't they get mad at us for ditching?"

"Maybe, but I'm bored." I held my hand out for him. It took him a while for him to accept it but he did.

"We'll be back guys, we're going for a walk." I shouted for the others to hear, cons editing the wind that was blowing.

"Alright, just don't get lost and be back on time." Antony said.

"We won't."

We started walking in silence along the beach letting the small waves crash against our feet. Drake offered to carry his flip flops and my sandals. 

Everything was going just fine until his cellphone started to ring. He took it out of his pocket and answers it.

"Are you really trying to ruin the moment?" I said.

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