Chapter 20

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It's been a month since we came back from our three-day honeymoon.

My two-month baby bump was starting to gain a form but it wasn't enough to tell that I'm pregnant. At first having a baby was something that terrified me but now I can't wait for it to be born.

Imagine a mini me running around the house, the cute pictures we could take together, the mother-daughter/son talks... I hope it's a girl.

Drake is excited too, talking about the nursery, baby shower and all already. I had to simmer him down, it was too soon to think about that stuff, or even tell people that we're having a baby.

"Good morning." I heard Drake saying as he came in the dining room. I poked my lips out waiting for his kiss. He sat down after giving me one.


"What are your plans for today?" He asked attacking his cup of cappuccino.

"Well, I need to take care of a new ID."


"It still has my maiden name."

"Oh, right. You take care of that, Mrs. Graham." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"I sure will, Mr. Graham." I wiggled my shoulders laughing at it after.

We continued having our breakfast in silence. Taylor had the best hand money can buy for cooking. This food was heavenly delicious. I could go through the whole without eating only with this meal. but knowing me, that wouldn't happen.

"I need to talk to you about something." Drake finished his orange juice then whipped his mouth with a napkin. 

"Tell me."

"There's this meeting I have to attend..."

"Yeah...?" I said wanting to know what was special about this meeting. As far as my concern, meetings are the base of a business.

"In New York City. I'm leaving this afternoon."

"Oh wow..." Perfect timing. But I was enjoying his company. "How long are you gonna stay out?"

"Not much. Three days max."

"Are you sure you have go?" I pouted.

"If I could I'd send someone else in my place but that can't happen."

He gets up and says goodbye before giving me a kiss on the forehead. As he was about to walk away from me, I gently pulled him back to me by his hand. He looked back at me.

"At least give me a proper hug before you leave"

Like he didn't want to, he groaned and did as I asked. I stretched my arms up to him, making him lift me up while hugging me.

He kissed me, but I didn't kiss back. Tried to deepen it, still nothing. "You're mad at me?"

"Not, mad. I'm just making you miss me." I gave him a real kiss this time. "But you can go, have fun at your meeting."


A couple of strings pulled and in two hours I had a new ID. The main reason I wanted it was not to cause  any suspect when I go to the bank. If I went there with my maiden name I'd have to go through a lot more of paperwork and the manager would want to call Drake for questions and blah blah blah...

Anywho... I walk over to the information desk. I was too distracted looking at the environment, white and brown, wooden like. Glass, glass everywhere like people don't really have privacy in their offices.

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