Chapter 10

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The next morning I wake up ready to explore the place. These last two days were so tiring, today was dedicated to relaxation. Yesterday had stay on top on everything so the others wouldn't have slick to talk about my behaviour on the report. Especially that Laura, I don't like her.

When I got up from bed and stretch myself, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Andrea." She responded.

"Come in." I said while I put my robe on.

"Hey." I said to her once she was inside.

She was dressed in a light turquoise and dark grey sports gear and matching grey and white trainers.

"Hey, glad you're awake."

"Girl, why do you wake up so early and already full of energy?"

"Fitness darling. It's not easy to maintain a body at my age." She took a sip from her small bottle of water. "You should try it too someday."

I look at her. She was great for her age, but I don't see myself doing much exercise and eating health. What I rarely do now I think it's enough.

"No thanks, I think I'll pass."

"Suit yourself." She shrugged it off we both know it was my lazy mends speaking for me. "Anyway, I came to tell we're having breakfast together. Meet up in 30 in the lobby."

"Wait, when did you guys planned this?" I don't remember arranging plans yesterday.

"This morning."

"Y'all went joking without me?"

"Oh please, it's not like you would have come if I woke you up at 6:30" I had to agree on that one. "We let you and Zendaya get your rest, you worked too much yesterday."


"Well, I'll leave you to yourself so you get ready. See ya." Just like that, she was out of my room.


After a quite surprising breakfast with an actual conversation besides work among us, I'd excused myself from the table for walk around the resort, more particularly the gardens.

Andrea came with me because we both made an appointment at the hairdresser, apparently the hot weather wasn't doing her hair a favour and mine was got me to lazy to take care of it myself.

We were on our way to the salon when out of no where a laughing girl ran past us. We turned to the direction where she came running from only to have my bottle of water that I carried with me knocked out of my hand but this time by a guy. He was careful enough to come to me, probably to say sorry or something of that nature.

And only when I looked at to the him, it felt like violins were playing, and the rest of the people were slowly fading out of the picture as we were the only the two of us left in the world. He was too handsome to be real, like those Brazilian actors we see on TV.

I was pulled out of my daze by his heavy Brazilian accent.

"Desculpa, moça, eu não te vi aí." He said apologised after he grabbed my now empty bottle off the floor.

"Não tem problema eu é que eu estava distraída."

"Tá tudo bem com você?"

"Sim sim está tudo bem, não se preocupe."

"Deixa pelo menos te pagar outra água." He offered to paid me another drink. Mine was gone anyways, it's only fair. I looked over at Andrea for approval since I was with her in the first place, she mouthed the word 'go' followed by a smirk. What was that suppose to mean...

"Está bem, já que insiste."

We both walked in silence to the bar and sat on the stools. I didn't know what to say, I don't speak Portuguese all the time bad I can carry a conversation.

"Obrigada." I thanked him as him handed me the small bottle.

"Seu sotaque é bem diferente. De onde você é?"

"Queens, Nova Iorque."

"Ah, an American girl!" He said still in his accent.

"Haha, yes, I'm basically an American girl."

"How good is your Portuguese?"

"Não é mau."

"Qual é o seu nome?"


"Onika. Gostei. O meu nome é Thiago. Prazer em te conhecer." He introduced himself. He took my free hand which my resting on my thigh and gave it a light kiss. I don't know how he does it or what he does but he turns me on. I looked away blushing because I didn't want him to see me like this.

"What are you smiling at?"

"You're very cute." But I had to admit.

"I'm cute?" He asked with this smile... Like he doesn't know that he's cute. Which makes him even cuter. If I could I would just grab him and put him in my suitcase back to NYC.

"Thiago, I have to go." I said realising it was 10:03.

"Where are you going?"

"I have an appointment at the salon."
"With your friend?" Noisy much...

"Yeah, she probably waiting for me there."

"Will I at least have the pleasure to see at the pool party tonight?"

"Pool party?"

"Yeah. It's a birthday bash for a 18 year-old girl." He shrugged knowing that sounded extravagant.

"So a girl is closing a hotel's pool area for her party?

"Not exactly close, the hotel guests are invited too."

"You Brazilian people sure do love to party."

"Of course we do. So you're coming?"

"I'll see... Probably yes."

"Okay, I'll be seeking for you."

I said nothing but nodding. I waving him goodbye and he did the same as we diverted in our previous ways.

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