Chapter 27

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That name she always heard but never seem to know who that person was.

She was 12, but she wasn't naïve, she knew her dad drank and smoked too much. She'd always try to tell him that he shouldn't be doing that, but he would ignore me. She would always very answers like "Leave me alone little brat" or "I don't care about what your ass thinks".

His attitude towards her, who once was called his little princess just changed overnight. Why? She never knew, she wanted answers but she had conformed herself that she'd never get them.

The years passed and life just kept. But Onika's dad was getting worse. His aggressiveness did not stop on verbal terms, he took it physically too. He'd go off on her mom, and then walk off like nothing happened. She would always ask her mom if she was alright and offer to help or even suggest to get help every time she witnessed something and she'd say she was fine.

And even after everything, her mom still stayed. Onika didn't understand why, she guessed the love her mother still had left for my dad was bigger.

The family was drifting apart. With her being the only child, made everything harder because every consequence of her dad's actions were reflected on Onika, she felt them. Her father was never the man to hurt a fly even if he wanted.

The streets were his new home and his home was one of strangers. No one knew who he was anymore. And then there was this Drake guy. Onika never liked him. She never actually saw him, but she didn't like him anyway, the damage he was doing to her family was as big as her grudge for him. Even whispers on the blocks antagonised him.

One cloudy day, the women of the house were watching TV. Hearing loud voices in the front lawn, Onika looked through the window to see her dad and some lightskin guy heading towards the front door. She told her mother about it who advised her to go take a nap to avoid any kind of arguments that soon would happen.

She made sure to look hard at that guy. She didn't know why, but she knew someday they were going to meet again.

About an hour later, Onika was shaken up from her nap with her mother screaming. It worried her.

"Nicki, wake up!"

"Whaa'... What happened?" Onika asked still sleepy and confused at her mother's shouting.

"The house is on fire, we have to get out of here."

Onika then noticed her surroundings and sure enough the house was on fire. She wouldn't even dare to know was the behind the almost burning door of the room.

"How, the living room's probably a carnival of flames right now."

"Through the window. You go first."

Onika looked at it and opened it as wide as she could but then signed loudly like she was arguing with the window.

"What's wrong?" Her mother asked. .
"It doesn't open wider." She tried once more opening the awning window but it wouldn't budge. Bad enough it was already narrow.

Fuck it, she put a leg over the window then looked behind to her mother.

"Mom, come on."

Just then they heard something blowing on the other side of the house.

"Go without me." Her mother said.

"What? No! Mom, I can't leave you here."

"I am not going get passed that window."

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