Chapter 18

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The wedding is tomorrow and I couldn't be more stressed. Our mothers are coming today - his mother, Safaree's mom is going to play that role for me.

Even though me and him aren't on the best terms, I had no choice, he was indicated to walk me down aisle since it was the closest thing I had as a father figure.

Right now I am a nervous wrack. When I asked Drake about his mother's possible reaction when she meets me, he tried to change subject. I didn't want to push it because it was obvious that he thought something bad was going to happen.

As the doorbell rang, I immediately start pace back and forth. Drake grabbed me by my arms. "Relax Onika."

I actually did but I mind was just another thing. "Isn't this the time you also say 'everything will be fine'?"

"Can't promise anything."

He let me go and went over to the door to help his mother with her suitcase as they had a conversation of their own. She pitched his cheeks and squeezed them. He groaned, thinking he was too big for that but she didn't care. After he gave her a peck on her forehead he motioned his finger to where I was standing making his mom look at me.
I finally took a clear look at her, she was a beautiful lady. And short like me. Maybe this wasn't going to be half bad as I thought.

"Hi Mrs. Graham, so nice to finally meet you." I smile at Drake's mother and held my hand for her to shake.

She lowered her sunglasses and looked at me from head to toe then put them back one.

"I don't like you."

What? "Excuse me?"

"Aubrey, why did you choose her? What is so special about her?" She turned to Drake then took them shades off.

"Mom, that is no way to treat my fiancée."

"Well, it's the way I find it fair to tear her...  I'm telling you Aubrey, she's not the woman for you. What did you do to poor Angela anyways?"

"Mom-" she cut him off.

"Why did she leave? Did you cheat on her? I swear if you hurt my baby I'm-"

"Mom, chill! I didn't do anything to Angela. She was the one who left me. She was the one who cheated on me..." I've had enough of it. This has gotten into family matters so I excused myself from there and went into our room, but mostly because I already broke down crying.

What his mother said about me was hurtful. True in some way, but hurtful. I was in the room crying for about five minutes and still could hear the two arguing. His mom was just not having him defending me.

"Baby, she's only marrying you because of the money."

"It's not the money, mom. It's love."

"She got herself pregnant."

"Last time I checked, It takes 2 to make a baby. Mom, she's pregnant because of me... I don't even know why you're so pressed about her anyway. She's giving you a grandchild like you always wanted."

"I wanted a grandchild by you and Angela."

"Stop bringing her up." I heard his footsteps louder and louder meaning he was coming to the room.

After he comes in and closes back the door carefully. He sits on the bed, his back facing mine. We were both in the same position.

"Nicki, I am so sorry about my mom."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not okay. I love you and you should be respected for that. I'm gonna make her apologise."

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