Chapter 26

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I wake up again on the vast empty cold bed. Drake didn't come home like he said he would.

I sit up on bed remembering how life has been since all this started. And to be honest, I'm tired of this. I'm tired of being someone I'm not, faking what I feel, if I still have what it takes to have feelings and all that stuff.

I wasn't happy, at all. But I rather get away from all of this instead of facing it and try to fix things. My time here is over and I just wanna get this over with.

Looking at the clock it read 8:06. I decide to get ready.


I walk in MaBelle's fancy headquarters building knowing it was going to be my last time. The day wasn't so busy like I expect, people were more in their offices than usual. Even Lauren wasn't there, which was good, for me.

Barging in Drake's office, I notice that he wasn't there. Perfect. I was just going to get the copy of the attorney letter then vanish. The original was safe in my bank account, just taking precautions.

As for the rest of my stuff, I'm just gonna leave it behind.

The safe in here, like a cliché, was hidden behind a painting. A replica of Picasso's Head of a Woman. I approach the painting and carefully remove it from the wall revealing the black safe.

I punch in the code. Nothing happens. Maybe I just missed a number or something. I repeat the process only to get the same result.

"Why won't this open?" I think out loud to myself. This is so frustrating. I did not past the last couple of months putting in this code for it not to work today.

"Because I changed the combination." I hear a deep voice from behind me. As scared as I was, I calmly turn around and was met by Drake's hard chest. I look up to him to see a stern look on his face.

"Oh shit... Drake you scared the hell out of me." I said naturally, then resume on trying out different combinations. "Where were you yesterday? I waited for you all night."

"Business dinner."

"Right, right..."

Drake places his hand over mine that was over the keypad and drags our hands down the wall. I turn to him and furrow my eyebrow which he responds with a head shake.

"Give it up. I know what you're doing, it's over..."

I smirk.

"Oh, so you figured it out... I hate to break it to you, but you can't lock me up." I put my hand on my hip.

"You stole from me, that's a crime."

"You signed me letter of attorney, dumbass."

"You think I didn't know about that, I called my lawyer, I'm having it annulled today." He goes and closes the door then went over to his desk and sat down. "Take a seat. Let's talk about this."

He points to the chair that was in front of his desk. I decide to be a rebel and sit far from him, on the black loveseat he had on here.

"How did you find out?" I ask.

"I'm not gonna lie, I find out yesterday. My manager let it all slip up, we fought, I got locked up, and Andrea bailed me this morning..." He explains. I heat at the mention of the woman's name.

"Why did Andrea had to bail you out?"

"Cause obviously you can't be trusted."

"You could have gotten one of your male friends to do it." I cross my arms.

"Oh, Spare me with the jealousy scene." He spat. "Why are you doing this? Taking everything from me."

"Not everything... It's just five milli, you'll get it up in less that a year. You still have your houses, your cars, your jewellery. Trust me, I could have gotten that if I wanted. Stop whining about it, geez..." I roll my eyes. "But since you wanna know, I wanted you to have a taste of your own medicine."

"What medicine? What did I do? Because it was you who wrecked my marriage. You seduced me, got pregnant then killed my son. You got my money... Want me to go on?" I wanted to get up and choke the life out of him for that. How could he say that? I would ever think about hurting a baby, especially my baby, on purpose. That baby was so mine, I wouldn't want him or her to live in the same environments I once was. They'd have everything I could possible give them.
But I stayed strong.

"Actually, your marriage was already damaged. I did you a favour."  I say through gritted teeth.

"Stop with the acting."

"Don't you too act like you're the Saint here. 'Cause I know you too, I know what you do... And what you caused to me wasn't okay either."

"What are you talking about? Last time I checked I'm the one who gave nothing but love to you. And you repay me by washing up my wealth."

"Wealth you built with dirty money. I don't even care about the money... If it was my aim then I'd have grabbed it all disappear from the face of the earth with it.

"Then what do you care about? Because I'm guessing you had this planned since the very first day when you walked in this building you."

"I'm not even gonna lie, I did."

"Why? I just want to know why..."

"You really want to know, huh? Well I'll tell you." I get up from my seat and slowly walk up to his desk and stood in front of it with my hands stretched on the desk. "You have people killed, that's the thing. I hate that innocent people die because of you. They may seem like nothing to you, but they maybe related to the people that are close to you."

"And what does that have to do with you?" He too gets up.

"Are you fucking serious right now? How blind can you be? I suffered because of you." I lower my voice. "I was just a kid, I wanted..." I feel a tear threatening to leave my eye." I wanted a normal family. But you ruined it all for me. That day... I swore that I'd do anything to get back you."

"By miserably failing on getting my money?"

"No. To make you miserable, to make you feel alone like I once was."

He hysterically laughed. "Do you really think I'm gonna feel alone after you leave me? Hell, I've been like that almost my entire life."

"I have my ways."

"Can you just cut to the chase?"

I rolled my eyes harshly at him and sighed deeply. Shit about to finally leave my chest after years haunting my mind.

"Doesn't the name 'Maraj' remind you of something? Queens, 1998..." The memories started to kick in...

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