Chapter 5: 8 years later

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Andrea's POV: My stupid alarm clock woke me up. My first day in the 9th grade. I take a shower and all that jazz. I change into a red crop that has the number 36 on it, my favorite pair of shorts, and my cream colored cardigan. I put on my white converse and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Hi dad. I say hugging him. "Ready for the first day of high school. He asks. I nod nervously. "Eat up and then we'll leave. He says. I eat my cereal and my fruit punch. I grab my backpack and leave with my dad. My palms were sweaty and my stomach was hurting. "You alright. Dad says. "Yeah just nervous. I say looking down." Don't be its fun. He says and I nod. "Nash will pick you up with Hayes. Dad says as I get out of the car. I nod and walk away. Ugh I hate Hayes and it doesn't help that I go to the same school as him. I roll my eyes at the thought of him. I go try to find the front office but it was no were to be found. "You lost. Some familiar voice says. I turn around to see one of friends from the orphanage. "Lucas. I say shocked. "Yeah. He says smiling. I hug him. "What are you doing here. I say. "I'm here to learn duh. He says. "Like I said are you lost. He asks and I nod. "Follow me. He says leading the way. "So how's life. I ask. "Great I have and amazing family, what about you. He says. "Great as well my fam is amazing. I say smiling. Lucas has blue eyes and blonde hair. "Well here it is hopefully I can see you at lunch. He asks. "Of course, thank you for showing me the office. I say. "No problem. He says. I look at the time 5 minutes shoot. "Hi I'm Andrea Dallas 9th grade. I say quickly. "Here you go welcome to California high. She says. I take my schedule and look at the room number 415. "413, 414, 415. I say quietly. I walked in I look at the time 3 minutes to spare. I look around and see that I'm in biology class with Mr. Ramich. "Good morning class and welcome to high school. I'm your teacher Mr. Ramich and I teach biology. He says. "But first let me make sure everyone is here. He says sitting down by his laptop. He calls everyone name then he call my name. "Here. I say. He nods and then says. "Hayes Greir. I look around to see him raising his hand. I roll my eyes. I kinda dozed off. The bell rang. I take out my schedule and see that I have English. "432. I whisper to myself. I was walking to 432 and I walk past some jocks they wolf whistled at me. I roll my eyes in disgust. "Yo baby let me get your number. One said. I ignore them. "You don't talk. I like that in a lady. He said. I grin. I arrived at the classroom with 5 minutes to spare.
After class
Lunch time finally. I was walking then I bumped into a girl and dropped all of her books. "Omg I'm so sorry. I say helping her pick up her books. "No its fine I'm a clutz sometimes. She says giggling. We finish cleaning up. "I'm Andrea. I say smiling. "Brooke. She says. "Nice to meet you. Want to sit together at lunch. I ask. "Sure. She says. We walked into the lunchroom. There was a bunch of kids there. Brooke finds us a table. "So tell me about yourself. She says. "Well I'm 14, im adopted, and I love to draw. I say. "What about you. I say. "Well 14, my favorite food is pizza and I love gymnastics. She says. "Cool. What do you next period. I say. "Gym. She says. "Me too. I say smiling. We laugh. I think I found a new friend. "Hey Andrea. Lucas says coming to our table. "Hey. I say. "Who's your friend. He says. "Brooke meet Lucas. Lucas meet Brooke. I say eating my apple. "Hi. They say at the same time.
After school
I was waiting for Nash to pick me up. I see a blue Lamborghini. Is that Taylor. "Yup. I say to myself. All eyes were on the car. I walk up to the car and get inside. "Hey taylor. I say. "Hello. He says. "I thought Nash was supposed to pick us up. A voice says. Ugh I forgot Hayes is here. "Well were here. Taylor says. I get out and go upstairs to do my homework and draw. I have gotten really good I can draw portraits of people. I look at the time 10:30. Jeez I'm up late. I change into my pajamas and sleep.

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