Chapter 6: New squad

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Andrea's POV: "Waaaakeee upppp. Someone yelled in my ear. I swaer to god when I open my eyes I will kill them. I open them to see the jacks. I get out of bed and chase them. "Woahh what's going on. Aaron says. "The jacks yelled in my ear and now payback. I say and go to the kitchen and get a pan. "Come out come out wherever you are. I say. I put down the pan and get dressed for school. I wore black leggings and a Taylor caniff hoodie. I curl my hair then I notice im kinda getting bored of being blonde. I shrugg and look at the time. "7:15. I say. I put on my black converse and grab a gronala bar. "Shawn your taking me to school. I say grabbing the keys and his arm. We get in the car. "DRIVE. I yell. He flinchs and drives. I go to my locker to see Brooke there. "Hey Brooke. I say out of breath. "Hey what happened. She says. "I was gonna be late. I say. "Umm Andrea its 7:20. She says. "Wait what. I say looking at her phone. "Someone must've changed the time on your alarm. She says laughing. "Hey do you know where the office is. A girl shyly said. "Um are you new. I say and she nods. "Sure follow me. I say. I know its the second day and I still don't know where the library is. "Whats your name. Brooke says. "Tatiana but people call me tati. She says." That's a pretty name. I say. Me and brooke look at each other thinking the same thing. "Do you want sit at lunch with us. I say. "Yes u mean sure. She says then we all laugh. "Here it is. I say. "Thank you I never got your names. She says. "I'm Brooke and this is Andrea. Brooke says. "See you at lunch. We say. "Shes a nice girl. Brooke says. "Yeah and she's so pretty. I say. She has green eyes and brown hair. "Well see you at lunch bye. I say. "Bye. She says and walks away. Me, Brooke, and Lucas became best friends. I bump into Hayes. "Oh sorry sugar lips. He says. "I'm not. I say with an attitude and walk away. "Baby got back. He yells. I roll my eyes. I walk in and sit down. "Good morning students today we have a new student. Mr. Ramich says. "Hi I'm stacy. Stacy says shyly. "Umm Stacy theres a seat opened by Andrea. He says. I raise my hand while smiling. I love meeting new people. "Hi I'm Andrea. I say. "Stacy. She says smiling.
After class
I grab my books and catch up with Stacy. "Hey what do you have next. I say. "English. She says. "Me too. I say. "Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch. I say. "Sure its not like I have friends. She says. We laugh. "Today class we will be learning about our presidents. Ms. Cashman says. "But first we have a new student Stacy. She says. She Blush's and waves. I wonder how many times she has to do this. I doodle until the bell rings signaling its lunch time. "OK so you ready. I say to Stacy. She nods smiling. "How do you like school so far. I say. "Its great but the boys here are a little perverted. She says. "Preach. I say holding my hands up. We laugh. "Hey guys this is my new friend Stacy. I say. "Hi I'm Brooke. Brooke says. "I'm Lucas. He says. "And I'm Tatiana but call me tati. Tati says. "Hi. Stacy says. "Guys I have to tell you something. Lucas says. "What. We say in unison. "I'm gay. Lucas says. We stare at him. "I knew it. I yell. "No I said that first. Brooke says. We kept arguing until Hayes came to our table. "What do you want. I say. "What can't a guys sit here with his friends. "No. Me and Brooke say. "Whatever. He says and leaves. "Umm who's that. Stacy says." Hayes Grier my arch nemesis. I say glaring at him. "We should have a sleepover. I say. "Omg we should. Tati says. "Friday night. I say. They all nod. "Am I invited. Lucas says. "Of course you are. I say. "Really but I'm gay. He says shocked. "It doesn't matter. We all say. "I know I haven't known you guys for long but I love you. He says. "Wait there's 5 of us. I say. "And. Tati says. "New sqaud. I yell causing people to look at me. "Who are you looking at. I say with sass.

Pic of Brooke on top ❤

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