Chapter 16: Boyfriend/ Girlfriend tag

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2 days later
Andrea's POV:Weekend is here. I get out of bed and take a shower. My cuts have healed so I can wear shorts or a tank top. I put on my undergarments and then put on my robe. I walk into my walk in closet. I put on my floral dress and my jean jacket with vans. "Hello. I say to the boys. "Heyy. They say to me. "Did you guys make breakfast. I say. "Nope. Aaron says. "Ugh what am I gonna eat. I say. "Pop tarts. Carter says. I get out a bowl and make a fruit salad. "Hey. Hayes says putting his hands around my waist. "Hey. I say turning around so now I'm facing him. We stare into each others eyes. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back putting my hands around his neck. I pull away seeing all the boys their with their phones out. Then I see matt's phone flash. "Guys shows over. Hayes says. I blush really hard so I put my head in Hayes chest. He holds my hand I look up since he's a giant compared to me. I peck his lips. I sit down on the couch and watch tv. I see friends us on so I watch it." Oh Ross you shouldn't have his mother. I say shacking my head. "Babe let's do the girlfriend and boyfriend tag. Hayes says. I have started a YouTube channel a while ago and do vlogs, diy, baking and funny videos. "Let's use my camera. I say walking up to my clean room. "K want to do it outside. He says. "Sure just grab my tripod. I say. "Wait do you have whipped cream. He says. "Yup we always do for smack cam. I say getting paper plates and whipped cream. "OK let's get to it. I say. "K. He says sitting down. "Hey guys what's Andrea here back with another video today I have a very special guest Hayes Grier. I yell at the Hayes part. "Yayy. I say clapping. "Hey guys I'm Hayes Grier brother of Nash Grier. He says. "OK if you didn't know we are boyfriend and girlfriend. I say. "OK so we are going to do the boyfriend/ girlfriend tag. I say. "K so if we get it wrong what are we gonna do. I ask Hayes. "Get samcked with whipped cream. He yells. "K so what is my favorite movie. I say putting whipped cream on the plate. "Mean girls. He says. I smack him in the face. "The outfield dummy. I say laughing. "What but you always watch mean girls. He says. "OK my turn. He says." What is my dads name. He says. I don't know that one. "Hayes you never told me his name before. I say. He was about to smack me when I remembered. "CHAD. I yell. "Dang it. He says." Hold on let me change. I say. I go to my room and change into an old crop top and short shorts. "Next question. I say. "When is my birthday. I say. "Next week. He says. I smack him. "Boy give me a specific answer. I say. "OK what is my shoe size. He says. "9. I say. "Nope 10. He says smacking me. "How did you guys meet. Nash asks us. "Umm through you. I say as Hayes gets smacked by my dad. "Hey guys. He says to the camera. "What is my favorite store. I say getting cream off me. "Victoria secret. He says smirking. "PINK. I yell smacking him. "Well guys looked like I won. All social media links down below. Check out last weeks video. And if you liked this video click that like button. I say. "And subscribe. Hayes says kissing me while covering the camera.

A/N I'm gonna change Andrea age to 15 love ya ❤❤

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