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The wind blows my red hair into my eyes as I walk along the beach looking for shells in the sand. As I round a fallen tree on the ground, I find a man sitting on the other side looking down at the gun in his hand. I walk over to him and watch him for a few minutes.

"'ello sir," I say to him

He looks over at me in what looks to me shock that someone else is on the beach. "Hello little one," he answers to my greeting.

"Are you alright sir?"

"Yes I am alright. What is a little girl like you doing on the beach alone?"

"I am not little I am five and a half."

"Ok," he said with a laugh, "but what are you doing here alone?"

"My family is over there," I say pointing at the what halfway up the beach, "they are swimming but I cannot swim so I am looking for shells. Do you want to help me?"

"Sure I will help you find some shells."

We walk up and down the beach, looking for shells. As the sun starts to set over the water my family leave the water and get ready to go home.

"Thank you for finding shells with me sir," I said.

"It was my pleasure. It helps me to stop thinking about my own problems," he answers me.

"My name is Alice, by the way," I say as I start to pick up the pile of shells we made over the couple hours of looking.

"My name is Leroy, it was nice to know you Alice," he said as he watches me pick up the shells.

"Goodbye," I say as I walk away with half of the shells we found.


"I left you some shells. Thank you for help."

I look back in time to see him laughing and picking up the half of the shells I left for him to take with him. I get back to where my family is and put the shells into the bag I brought to keep my shells together. I help carry all the gear to the car and get in to head home.

I though this what the only time I would never see Leroy, how wrong was I to think that.

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