The Immortals

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NOTE: I apologies for not writing for so long. Life got busy and I lost the ability to write enough to post another chapter. So sorry.


I walk into the NCIS headquarters at the end of the school day, wearing the school, I walk over to Gibbs desk and put down the coffee I am carrying like I have every day since I started school again.

"What are you doing, Alice?" Kate asks me without looking up from her paperwork.

"I am waiting for something fun to happen or for the right moment to flash your boobs again," I answers where liking through my bag for my day clothe.

Once I have found my day clothe that is a pair of flare bottom pants, and a white elbow length shirt, I leave the office and walk into the lady room and change out of my uniform before Tony gets anymore ideas in his head from seeing it.

I walk back into the ball pen to hear Gibbs reading of his computer with Kate and Tony standing around him, "The body was in the water less than twenty-four hours. NAS Key west tagged and bagged and shipped it over," Gibbs says while walking into the office.

"We have and I.D?" Tony asks.

"Seaman Russell MacDonald. Nineteen. Assigned to the USS Foster."

"Destroyer. Spruance Class," Kate said.

"Hey, look at that! New kid on the block's been doing her homework," Gibbs says while looking up at Kate before standing up and walking over to the big screen to point out on the map as he spoke, "USS Foster left Roosevelt Roads Naval Station two days ago en route to Norfolk. This is her position now. The body was found here, in the Bahamas."

"Roosevelt Roads?" Tony asks with a happy look on his face.

"Yeah," Gibbs said with an expatiated look on his face.

"That's Puerto Rico."

"Yeah," Gibbs repeats.

"I love Puerto Pico."

"I'm glad."

"No boss, you don't understand. I love Puerto Rico."

"You been there a lot?" Kate cuts in.

"No! No, that's just it. I've never been there! I mean, I'm so wanting to go ever since I was kid! I so wanting..." Tony rambles on, before looking at Gibbs face before saying, "Sorry. I just always."

"Wanted to go," Gibbs finished for him.

"Yeah," Tony said.

"Sometime night before last, Seaman MacDonald went overboard," Gibbs continued on with what he was saying before again.

"Anyone see or hear anything?" I ask from behind Tony and Kate making them almost jump out of their skin.

"No. Didn't know he was missing until he failed to report for duty."

"Anything in the medical?"

"We'll get all that when we get on board. Anything else unusual?"


The four of us walk into Autopsy after a very boring ride in the elevator.

"This is exactly how he was found," Ducky says while walking over to the body dressed in dress whites, with us on the other side of the body.

"Dress whites? Why?" Tony asks Ducky.

"No one knows. There were no formal event scheduled," Gibbs answers him while looking over the body.

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