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"Wow. What'd you do? Spend the night saki-bombing?" Tony ask Kate when he walks into the lab and sees that she looks like death warmed over.

"It's a cold, Tony. Saki-bombing?" Kate ask him in confusion.

"Oh, come on, Kate. Don't tell me you've never heard of saki-bombing?"

"Would I ask if... forget it. I don't want to know."

"You take a cup of hot saki. You drop it in a beer. You toss it back and... and KA-BOOM!" Tony explains while demonstrating with invisible gear.

"Saki-bombing," I comments from behind Gibbs desk, working on his computer.

"Great for a cold," Tony informs her.

"I'll stick to honey and hot tea, thanks," Kate says to him.

"McGee, Kate's never been saki-bombing."

"You know, I don't think I have either."

"I work with a pair of wankers," Tony complains as Gibbs walks into the squad room.

"And you make three, DiNozzo."

"Good morning, Boss."

"Good morning," Kate say to him right before sneezing into the tissue.

"Cold or flu?" Gibbs ask her while coming to a complete stop in front of Kate's desk.

"Just plain cold. Don't worry. I will sneeze into my tissues, unlike some people," Kate promise before giving Tony a pointed look.

"I have allergies, Kate," Tony defends himself.

"Never had allergies. Never had a cold," Gibbs comments while moving over to his desk while I get out of the chair for him to sit down.

"You never had a cold?" Kate ask Gibbs in surprise.

"Nope. Never had the flu either," Gibbs informs us while I sit on the edge of Tony's desk.

"Why do I believe that?" Kate asks Tony and me in a whisper.

"If you were a bug, would you attack Gibbs?" Tony ask Kate while moving over to his desk.

"I get colds all the time," McGee chimes him with something that no one is surprised by.

"Of course you do, probie."

"Why does that not surprise me?" I overlap Tony.

"Alice wait about you?" McGee ask me.

"I get sick a lot. My lungs have been weakened since my birth," I explain making Kate snort.

"I'm just glad you haven't been hospitalized him the last three years," Kate comments.

"Me too. I don't like hospitals."

"This one is just addressed to 'NCIS Special Agent,'" McGee informs us while holding up a letter.

"I think that's mine, McGee. Huh?" Tony says while snatching the letter.

"How do you know?"

"I recognize the lips. And the scent," Tony informs us while showing us the envelope with a kiss in lipstick on the back to seal it.

"Gummy bears?" Kate laughs at Tony as he opens the letter and blows across the opening, only to blow white powered out of it and into my face making my sneeze. We all freeze for a moment before Gibbs jumps into action by jumping up onto his desk and whistling to get everyone near attention.

"We've opened a letter with white powder. Use the southeast corridor to the holding room. You all know the drill," Gibbs calls out.

"Tony! Alice!" Kate exclaims while throwing us both a bottle of water each. We both grab a separate bin, Tony uses his own while I grab McGee, and place them on the desk to wash our head off before moving out to be decontaminated. Kate picks up her phone and says, "Letter opened in Special Agent Gibbs' office dispersed a fine white powder. Initiating bio-attack procedures. Third floor evacuating."

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