Forced Entry

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Marry Christmas and I hope you had a great day


"Break out the gear. I'll coordinate with the MPs," Gibbs orders us when we arrive at the base street where a lady shot an intruder in her home, while handing Tony his coffee. He quickly adds, "You drink that, DiNozzo, you're dead."

"Just my luck. One more hour and we'd have been off duty," Tony complains once Gibbs has walked away, while walking to the back of the truck to get the gear and let McGee out.

"Got big plans today, Tony?" Kate teases him.

"Well, it is Saturday, Kate. What do you think?"

"Oh, you have a date with a girl who can't spell her last name?"

"Or first," I add.

"Oh, I... no, I was supposed to volunteer at the eighth street soup kitchen today," Tony defends himself.

"You feed the homeless?" Kate asks him in surprise.

"Don't be so surprised."

"Why haven't I ever seen you there?" I demand of Tony suspiciously.

"Sorry, I just never pictured you as the volunteer type," Kate cuts in before Tony can answer me.

"Yeah? There's a lot about me you don't know, Kate," Tony defends himself to Kate while ignoring me.

"You're right. I'm actually impressed for once," Kate apologise to him.

"Coffee, probie? It looks like you can use it," Tony says to McGee while handing him Gibbs' coffee.

"Oh, thanks, Tony," McGee says in surprise.

"Don't mention it," Tony says to him while walking away.

"You know, I think he's finally starting to warm up to me. He even invited me to a party this afternoon."

"Good," Kate says to McGee.

"Where?" I suspiciously ask McGee.

"It's a soup kitchen in D.C. A bunch of Playboy centrefolds are hosting a fundraiser there," McGee answers me making Kate glare after Tony.


"Seems pretty open and shut. Perp broke in and tried to rape her. She shot him. Guy's in critical conditional at the base hospital. I have a Marine standing guard," Hegarty, one of the MP, informs Gibbs while we walk into the living room.

"You ID him yet, Sergeant?" Gibbs demands of him.

"No, and he's not exactly in talking shape either, sir."

"With this much blood loss, guy's lucky to be alive," Tony comments on the bloody crime scene.

"Where is Mrs Rowans?" I ask the sergeant.

"With the neighbour next door," Hegarty answers me.

"I'll need a statement," Gibbs informs him.

"This is Sergeant Hegarty. Bring Mrs Rowans home. I'll meet you out front," Hegarty says into his radio.

"Where is the weapon?" I ask him.

"It's over here on the other side of the couch," Hegarty informs us while leading us over to where the gun is laying on the ground.

"Did you touch it?" Gibbs demands of him.

"Hell no, sir. I did get the serial number though. It's registered with the provost marshal under her husband's name, Major David Rowans. He's deployed in Iraq. Been gone for over five months."

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