A Weak Link

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"Good morning," Kate greets Tony in the morning.

"How was your weekend?" Tony asks us.

"Uh, let's see. I paid bills, did laundry, went shopping, vacuumed. I bet you don't even own a vacuum."

"I lease. Alice?"

"I tried to send Kate insane, finished all my school work. Wet the bed," I answer her.

"You wet your bed."

"I never said it was my bed. And it was cold coffee."

"I hate you," Kate informs me while Tony almost falls on the floor laughing at that.

"Okay, so what did you do this weekend that left that smile on your face?" I question Tony.

"I watched a great movie," Tony answers me.

"Let me guess, a horror flick?" Kate questions him.

"Halloween eight. I think it's the best Halloween ever. It makes Halloween seven look like Halloween five."

"I can't even believe they made one of them, much less eight. It's gotta be a 'men are from mars' thing."

"Arianna like it."

"Arianna? I thought you two broke up," I state in confusion.

"What makes you think that?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you came in the other day and said, 'I broke up with Arianna,'" Kate says to him.

"Oh, you don't know much about dating, do you?"

"No she doesn't," I inform him.

"Oh, why don't you enlighten me," Kate overlaps me.

"Well, there's always one phony breakup that precedes the real breakup. Everyone knows that," Tony informs us while Gibbs walks in to the squad room right as his phone begins to ring.

"Yeah, got it. Thanks," Gibbs says into his phone, once he hangs up the phone he says, "Grab your gear. Kate, get ducky. Tony, gas the truck."

"Where are we going?" Kate questions Tony once Gibbs leave the squad room.

"With Gibbs, you never know," Tony answer her while they get their gear.


"I.D. NCIS Special Agent Gibbs," An MP says into his radio.

"Clear," the person on the other end informs him.

"Okay, the MP says into the radio before turning to Gibbs and saying, "Thank you, sir."

"Agent Gibbs? Commander Rainer. SEAL Team eight," Rainer informs Gibbs when we get to the crime scene.

"What happened here?" I question Rainer.

"We were on a training exercise. Lieutenant Johnson, the team leader, was rappelling down the cliff when his D-link snapped."

"Did you secure the top of the cliff?" Gibbs asks him.

"I did."

"Is that the rest of the Lieutenant Johnson's squad?"

"Yes, sir."

"I'd appreciate it if you tell them not to talk to anyone until I talk to them."

"Already taken care of, sir."

"Oh, what an awful way to die," Kate says while looking at the cliff the victim plummet off of.

"I can think of worse ways to go," Tony states while photographing the scene.

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