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Gibbs has finally let me back to work so I am sitting at his desk, working on going throw his hundreds of emails he got while I was on sick leave, because he didn't clean them out.

"Is that Tony?" McGee ask Kate who is sketching in her sketch pad I gave her for her last birthday.

"No, Kate denies while hiding the sketch pad.

"Are you sure? It really resembles..."

"Is there a reason you've been haunting my desk week?"

"Uh, no. I was just..."

"Or maybe you just decided to take over DiNozzo's job of annoying everyone while he's on sick leave," I state while reading a letter from Gibbs' ex-wife. Why do they email him?

"I just wanted to check that everything was okay."

"Why wouldn't it be?" Kate demands of him tightly.

"Well, you and Tony were close and, you know..."

"No, I don't know. What?"

"He almost died."

"So did I McGee," I remind him with a straight face.

"We're NCIS agents, McGee. There is a chance one of us might die every time we walk through the door," Kate reminds him while ignoring me because she has enough guilt without thinking about it at the moment.

"Yeah, but I'm the idiot that handed him an envelope full off the plague," McGee reminds us.

"It could have been worse," I comment.


"You could have giving it to Gibbs."

"Tim, it's not your fault. Look, if you want to think about something, why don't you think about all of the times that Tony has insulted us, invaded our privacy, the fact that he almost died owing s all money," Kate orders McGee when he falls silent from the thought of Gibbs almost dying of plague.

"That's true. He can be pretty obnoxious," McGee agrees with Kate.

"Uh-huh," Kate mumbles as Tony's phone begins ringing.

"Do you miss him as much as I do?"

"More. It's part of his charm. It's like an ex-rated Peter pan," Kate comments while getting up to leave the squad room for a moment before turning to McGee to inform him, "You know he told all the girls downstairs you're gay, right? Said it would cut down on the competition."

"That bastard," McGee exclaims after a king beat of silence.

"Hold onto that feeling and you're going to be just fine."

"Do you want to know what he said about you?"


"That you tried to sleep with him when you were in Paraguay."

"I will kill him."

"If you wanted to kill him, you should have done it last month. It was the perfect time to get away with murder," I inform Kate as she glares at Tony's desk.

"You did the right thing. Where is the car exactly?" Kate answers her ringing phone.

"Jit, Kate!" Tony shouts while jumping up behind Kate's desk in the hopes of scaring her as Gibbs walks over to his desk while I move out of the chair so he can sit down. I lean against the ledge behind his desk watching Tony get ignored by his team mates.

"Sorry about that, Captain. Where did you say the car was?"

"Must be important. Probie, did you miss me? Long-time no..."

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