Hung out to dry

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I walk down the street to the coffee shop to get the morning coffee for Gibbs like I have for the last week. I am wearing a black leather jacket that hangs down to my knees, a white long sleeve shirt, black fleer bottom jeans, and combat shoes. I order a black coffee, one with milk and sugar, and a cream bun for breakfast. While I am waiting for them to finish making my order to be completed, my phone rings.

"Alice," I answer after checking the caller id and seeing it is tony.

"We have a dead marine," Tony tells me over the phone, in the background you can hear cars driving, "Kate is on the way to pick you up to bring you to the scene."

"Ok see you there," I say right before I hang the phone up and put in into my inside jacket pocket.

I pick up my order and get outside in time to see Kate looking for a parking spot so I walk over to her car and got in. She starts to drive over to the crime scene before I even had my seatbelt on. On the way I ate my cream bun.


When we go to the scene, but we can't get into the scene because we don't have a photo id from NCIS. Before we can call anyone, Tony comes over to get the ladder and sees us. He gets us into the crime scene.

"Look who I found," Tony called over to both Gibbs and Ducky. Kate and I walk over to the scene, Kate is in a business suit with a skirt and heels. "MPs weren't going to let them through," Tony finish say.

"I got my sig and badge but HQ didn't issue my photo ID," she says while looking at the body, "god is this for real?"

"Unfortunately, my dear, it is," Ducky says.

"Put 'em on," Gibbs said to both of us while handing us a pair of gloves each.

"Ah, your first crime scene with, Caitlin," Ducky says.

"What about air force one?" Kate asks Ducky.

"Doesn't count, you were in the Secret Service. Hey, tony, take a team photo for posterity."

"Forget posterity. Sun's gonna be up soon," Gibbs said before handing Kate a box, "welcome to NCIS."

Kate opens the box and pulls out one of the shoes, "how did you know my size?"

While smirking he put a NCIS cap on her head, "Put 'em on. Can't work a field in high heels."

"Depends what type of work type of work you are doing," I say with a smirk of my own watching as Kate goes red.

"I was just about to say that," Tony says to me.

"Your mind, DiNozzo, runs a gamut from X to XXX," Kate said to Tony.

"Yeah. But she said it first, why does she not get into trouble?"

"Because she is typing to get me to snap and get angry."

I stick my tongue out her back as she walks back to the car to put on her new shoes. Before I even have a changes to look around to see what is happening Gibbs take one of the coffee cups out of my hands.

"Hay that is mine," I tell him right as he takes a sip and nearly spits it on the ground. He quickly swaps to the other cup in my hand.

"Photo," Gibbs says to Tony, "watch Tony work," he says to me.

Tony lifts the camera on a monopod up to the roof of the car in which the marine fall through he asks "Ducky? Why would Gibbs rip his hard line out and dunk his cell phone into a jar of paint thinner?"

"Oh, dear," Ducky said.


Ducky climbs into the car to look at the bottom of the dead guy, "I should have realized the time of year. It's his anniversary."

Alice's storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें