The Curse

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Note: I am sorry about not updating again.

Note: I hope you like it and leave comments how to help me make the story better and I am working on making it into a Gibbs x oc story but I will only do that after she is over 18 but I want there to be a friendship before they get into a relationship.

thank you for taking he time too read this


I am sitting at Gibbs desk waiting for a case to come in or for the day to be over because I have nothing to do for the day because I have already finished everything I have to do for the day. Tony and Kate are working on their paperwork from other cases.

"Grab you gear," Gibbs said while walking through the squad room towards the plasma screen.

"My three favourite words," Tony said while walking over to the screen too, with Kate and me following him.

"Where to?" Kate asks.

"Saint Mary's River State Park. Right here," Gibbs said while pointing it out on the map on the plasma screen.

"Maryland," Tony said.

"Good guess. Think you can guess how to drive there?" Gibbs asks while he lends over to grab his go bag and gun.

"I'd say the fastest way would be to take the Beltway to highway two thirty five south. Take that to route fifty and then," at this Tony stops to look around and seeing that everyone else was in the elevator, "punch it into the Nav system when we get lost," he yells while grabbing his bag and getting in the elevator with him.

"What's in the park?" I asks from beside Gibbs while to stands next to Kate behind me and Gibbs.

"A deer hunter stumbled onto an aircraft drop tank – Navy markings," Gibbs informs us.

"We're driving to Maryland to look at a drop tank?" Tony asks.

"It's hot a body in it."

"Now that's different."

"Yeah, I thought so," Gibbs said with his eyebrows raised before turning to talk to Kate, "You pick up Ducky. Tony, you gas the tank."

"You know, Gibbs, most agencies have people who do that sort of thing."

"Mm-hmm. So do we," Gibbs said with his eyebrows raised again.


We all get out to the truck and Gibbs gets into the driver seat. I climb into the middle with Kate next to me leaving Tony to sit in the back with a grumble about us girls getting what we want until Gibbs takes off very fast making him hit his head on the shelf next to him.

The drive takes a while so I turn to Kate and start to mess with her hair and just be annoying her to no end to see if I can make her crack before we get the crime sense.

"Stop that," Kate yells out me after a few minutes.

"Stop what?" I ask while poking her in the ribs for the third or fourth time.

"Stop poking me."

"That's not what you said last night. What was his name again, Bob? Ben? Something beginning with b," I say making to burst out laughing while Kate turns red, "and yes I heard you and who now you had a daddy kink. And that you like getting spanked," I tap onto the end.

"Girls enough, Alice leave your sister alone," Gibbs cuts in with a tone that a parent uses on a disobedient child.

"Sorry boss," we said together, Tony burst out laughing at this but by how red his face is he has been holding it back for a while.

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