Heart Break

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I apology for not posting last week, work get the best of me and I ran out of time.

I would like to thank everyone who comments, favourite and followed this story.

I am glade that some many people like it, I was afraid that it wasn't any good, because I have been told that I am a bad writer before.

"Where were you?" I hissed at Kate when I arrived at the hospital to see that Kate is already there.

"Ho! You got here quick. Where were you?" Tony ask Kate before she can answer me.

"Home asleep," Kate answer us.

"Asleep maybe, unlikely," I state.

"But not home. I got you on your cell," Tony finishes for me while I glare at Kate.

"Drop it, DiNozzo, Alice," Kate snaps.

"Do not make this a challenge, Kate. I will find out. Oh, boy," Tony calls out to Kate while Gibbs arrives at the hospital with the redhead again.

"See ya," Gibbs says to her while kissing her check.

"Looks like you and I were the only ones flying solo last night, McGee," Tony informs McGee and me."

"Speak for yourself," McGee says before turning to Gibbs and saying, "Morning, Boss."

"Where?" Gibbs question us about the crime scene.

"First floor. A-wing," Kate informs him while returning to the group.

"Some kind of explosion. Guy went up in flames," Tony continues to report to Gibbs.

"Name?" I ask Tony as we walk into the hospital corridor.

"Commander Michael Dornan, safety officer on the Kennedy."

"Which just got back from the Gulf," Gibbs states his question.

"'Yeah, Friday. He'd been complaining of chest pains. Had open heart surgery four days ago. The doctor who led the team that operated on him is on the way in."

"I'll talk to him."

"That would be a 'her', boss. Commander Janice Byers," Tony say as we walk into the crime scene in the hospital room, "Oh! That had to hurt."

"What started the fire, Ducky?" I ask Ducky while looking into the burnt out room.

"The source of the conflagration appears to be internal. The majority of the damage is confined to the torso," Ducky answers me.

"He was receiving oxygen through a nasal cannula," Kate informs Ducky.

"Still would have needed a source of ignition, and I seriously doubt it could have caused this kind of damage."

"Could he have been smoking in bed?"

"Only you do that Kate," I snap at her.

"The Corpsman saw him ten seconds before the explosion. Dornan was out cold," Tony informs her trying to stop us from glaring at each other.

"Boss, listen, I know this may sound farfetched, but," McGee stutters out but fails to state what he is thinking.

"Will you spit it out, McGee?" Gibbs and I snap at him.

"Spontaneous Hum combustion."

"Okay, why we're at it, let's bring in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy," I inform him sarcastically.

"Where's the surgeon?" Gibbs demands after giving McGee his 'are you stupid?' look.

"She's in the waiting room. Just got here," Tony informs Gibbs. After Gibbs walks away Tony turns to McGee and hisses, "Probie, what are you thinking? Spontaneous human combustion? It's an urban myth."

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