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I left home early, I have to go see my military scout commander because he ask me to come in. Once I get there he asks me to help with some of the younger scouts. I was helping train them in the training course, for hours before we complete.


As I am leaving the base a girl one year younger than me, run up to me and yells, "did you hear?"

"NO, I have not heard anything, I have been on the course all morning and now I am leaving," I answers her.

"Seadog is dead. Scuttlebutt is that he is selling drugs and the basketball court is being closed because what the news is saying."

"I hope he is not selling drugs. I'll see what I can do to make sure he is not remembered as a drug dealer," once I finishes speaking, she smiles before walking away back to her training.


I call Kate and she answers after the third ring, "Todd."

"Can you pick me up from base please?" I ask her.

"Sorry, I can't I am working a case."

"It's ok I try someone else," I hang up without saying bye.

Next I try ringing Abby, see picks up straight away, "hello."

"Hey Abby are you busy?" I ask Abby.

"Nope, I am waiting for the guys to return with what I need."

"Can you pick me up from the bass?"

After telling her the bass is, she said she will be here in tweeny minutes. I read up everything the news have on seadog. Abby arrives, I get into her car and head back to the office. Once at the office I head to Gibbs desk and sit down waiting for them to get back.


An hour later Gibbs and Tony get off the lift and walk into the office. Gibbs walks over to me and says, "So you decided to show up now?"

"Sorry, I had to help my commander on bass to train some new recruit on the training course. I ask Kate to tell you," I told him without looking up from my phone with the news on it. "Is seadog a drug dealer?" I ask Gibbs.

"We don't know yet. Do you know the victim?"

"Seadog helps to train the 16 year olds for as long as I have known. He would not tarnish his name using or selling drugs. He speeds all his free time trying to get kids away from the drugs," I say while liking into Gibbs eyes so he can see I am being truthful.

"OK, we will see what to do to make sure he's name is clean," he tells me while gently pushing me out of his chair. I move to sitting on the edge of his desk while looking at him waiting for him to tell me what is going on. After I went back to reading, he final looks back at me and tells me, "Were Commander Ferrell was found, down the beach bodies of a couple drug dealers was found and it is possible that the two crime is connected."

"They have closed down the basketball court has been closed because of that. Everyone on bass uses it and with it closed the kids in the area have a higher changes of using drugs and joining gangs. Please clear his name, he would never sell drugs."

"I will do what I can to make sure his name is cleared," Gibbs said with a small smile.


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