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"All right, Thursday eleven a.m.... I'll be there. Ok, I promise," Kate says into her phone.

"Oh, that doesn't sound like fun," McGee comments when Kate hangs the phone up.

"No, I've cancelled my appointment three times."

"What's not fun?" Tony ask while walking into the squad room.


"Who's Doctor Jackson?" Tony ask Kate while reading her paperwork from upside down.

"You read that upside down?"

"You can't?" I ask her in surprise at the fact she can't read upside down.

"A talent that serves me well. What's wrong with you?" Tony ask Kate while grinning at me.

"Don't you mean what is right with her?"

"Well, he's a dentist," Kate answers him while throwing paper at my head.

"Ooh, and our Ms Todd is afraid of dentists," Tony exclaims.

"Who talk you that?" Kate demands while glaring at me.

"Don't look at me, I'm innocent," I defend myself with throwing the paper back.

"Why don't I believe that?"

"Ethically, I can't reveal my source. It's the same person who told me probie wasn't potty-trained until he was six," Tony states.

"Get the sedan, McGee," Gibbs orders McGee while walking into the squad room with two cup of coffee in his hand.

"Where are we going, boss?" McGee ask Gibbs while standing up and getting his gear to go.

"Not we. You. Apartment building in Georgetown. A women reported seeing a sailor being strangled," Gibbs informs him while handing me the second cup of coffee while signalling me to get up out of his chair.

"Me? Alone?"

"Metro police don't think it's anything, but the women's insistent."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Investigate, McGee. It's what we do. If there's anything, call in."


Our little boy's growing up," Tony exclaims.

"Cut it out, DiNozzo."

"It's a vote of confidence," Kate states while trying to build McGee's confidence.

"Really? You think so?"

"It's a test. So don't worry, if you are any good at your job you have nothing to worry about," I state making McGee look pale it was funny.

"Don't listen to them," Kate says to McGee and he walks away, once he is out of earshot Tony and I lose control and begin chuckling at the dead body walking.

"This is going to be good."



"Stop being annoying."

"Stop being boring. And I will."

"What are you five?"

"No five and a half," I exclaim before sticking my tongue out her.

"Back to work," Gibbs orders us before hitting my leg to tell me to behave and leave my sister alone for the moment.

"She started," I mumble while reading the next case file.

Alice's storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora