See No Evil

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"Anyone? And I mean anyone know when the air conditioner's getting fixed? Huh? What about the name of the genius who invented windows that don't open? And what are we on? A space ship? Windows should open," Tony complains as we walk into the sticking hot squad room.

"Have you been working out?" Kate question him while putting her stuff at her desk and gesturing to Tony's wife beater that is the only shirt he is wearing.

"All summer long. Thanks for finally noticing."

"No, I mean right now, because you're sweating like a pig and it's not very attractive," Kate informs him while sitting down only to shriek in surprise and jump up while looking down under her desk.

"Uh... morning, agent Todd," McGee said from between Kate's legs, looking up her skirt.



"You have two seconds to tell me what you're doing down there."

"I'm... I'm upgrading the computer network and uh..."

"Time's up," Kate snaps while reaching down and grabbing McGee's ear.

"No, I wasn't looking. I swear. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! I wasn't looking... I wasn't looking... ow!"

"Tony," Gibbs comes to a stop just past Tony's and Kate's desks.

"Yes, sir?" Tony questions Gibbs.

"Did I just see what I thought I say?"

"Yes, and I am scared for life," I inform him from my spot at Gibbs desk.

"Out of respect for my co-workers, boss, I'd have to say... yeas, you did. And it's very disturbing," Tony explains to Gibbs.

"I agree. Put your damn shirt back on. This is a federal office building, not a gym. Damn, McGee. Why are you still here?" Gibbs questions McGee while getting into McGee's face.

"Uh... the contractors – they won't wire the network until the air conditioning's fixed. It's a union this so..." McGee stutters out to Gibbs.

"So you decided it's more important for an NCIS special agent to crawl around all day by yourself?"

"Man asked you a question," Tony orders McGee when he fails to answer Gibbs.

"I just wanted it fixed before I returned to Norfolk," McGee explains it to Gibbs.

"Yeah? You have any idea where thinking like this is gonna lead you?" Gibbs inquires of them.

"Yeah, do you, McGee?" Tony questions McGee.

"Promotion. You need any help, y9ou ask Tony here. Looks like he can use the workout."

"It's not that difficult. So I guess I could do it myself," McGee informs Tony when Tony gives him a look that say 'I'm not going to help you.'

"Good answer," Tony informs McGee.

"Don't let him intimidate you, McGee. That's my job today," Kate snaps at McGee before answering her phone, "Agent Todd?"

"I didn't look," McGee explains to Tony

"Oh, no. I believe you. I just have a little question that I want to ask you. Is she a panty hose or a thong girl because I'm thinking thong," Tong say to McGee making Kate punch him in the stomach, making him grunt in pain.

"We've got a problem, Gibbs," Kate explains to Gibbs while he bangs his PDA onto his computer.

"I hate this think. Crap!" Gibbs exclaims.

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