Caught on Tape

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"He did that? Yeah? You're kidding. Well, I wouldn't put it in my romantic column, Deb. Definitely kinky. Maybe affectionately odd. But I mean, I don't find anything romantic about having sex with," Kate talks into her phone but notices that Tony and I am listening into her phone conversation. Kate adds to her friend, "I'll call you back later."

"Sex with a what?" Tony question Kate once she hangs up her phone call.

"None of your business."

"Another women?"

"Go back to your desk," Kate orders Tony because he has made his way over to her desk.

"Another man?"" I add making her glare at me.

"I told you."

"Some kind of root vegetable?" Tony ask her next.

"You're disgusting."

"Wasn't me having a conversation about kinky sex, Kate."

"At work," I add.

"It was a private conversation, Tony, Alice, something you two seem to have a difficult time with," Kate hisses at us.

"If I'd been having that conversation, you'd accuse me of being a Neanderthal," Tony reminds her.

"Well, that doesn't require a conversation, Tony."

"You know what I think, Kate? I think there's a secret side to you. A spike Steele video kind of side. Keep it hidden under your mattress."

"Leave now," Kate orders him.

"Ah, you're a spike steel fan, aren't you, probie?" Tony ask McGee who is working and ignoring the show at Kate's desk.

"What, the porn star?" McGee ask Tony in confusion.

"No, the physicist."

"Oh, no not really. He looks kind of sleazy."

"Actually he looks a little bit like Tony," Kate comments.

"He looks a lot like Tony," I comment making Kate glare at me.

"Oh, you have no idea how much he looks like me. Kate, how do you know what he looks like? Actually, Alice how the hell do you know what he looks like?" Tony demands of us.

"I saw him on the news when he was arrested a few years ago. How do you know what he looks like?" Kate answers Tony then questions me but I just smile innocently at her.

"Really. Spike Steel's real name is Jay McMann. And according to the National Crime Database he's never been arrested. Ever," Tony informs Kate after doing a quick background check.

"What're you waiting for, DiNozzo?" Gibbs ask Tony after walking into the squad room and giving Tony the keys to the truck.


"Gas the truck."

"I knew that."

"McGee, get Ducky."

"What am I telling me, Boss?" McGee ask Gibbs while picking up the phone to call him.

"We have a dead marine in Shenandoah River State Park. Come on! Let's go!" Gibbs orders before we walk over to and into the elevator. Tony and Kate continue to stare at me waiting for me to tell them how I knew what Spike Steel looks like.

"What?" I ask while acting innocent for the moment.

"How. Do. You. Know. What. Spike. Steel. Looks. Like?" Kate demands of me through a clenched jaw.

Alice's storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora