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"I thought you couldn't type," Kate says when she walks into the squad room and see Tony typing at his computer.

"I've decided to improve myself," Tony informs her without looking at her.

"Well, in the case, you might want to lose that shirt. It went out of style three years ago."

"This from a girl who keeps a pukka shell necklace in her purse."

"My grandma gave me those. Wait, you look in my purse?"

"Everyone looks in your purse, but in Tony's defence he was looking for a condom," I input in the conversation.

"Sorry, did I say that aloud?" Tony overlaps me.

""Tony, you are so lucky you didn't have sisters growing up," Kate informs him.

"Why is that?"

"Because you'd never reached puberty."

"What do you mean, 'reach puberty?' he still has and he is almost as old as Gibbs and you combined," I cut in while Kate walks behind Tony to see what he is doing only to see he is playing a game.

"Very professional."

"It's my lunch break," Tony defends himself.

"It's nine-thirty in the morning."

"I'm on Greenwich Mean Time."

"You're going to be dead if Gibbs catches you doing that," I inform Tony from my spot behind Gibbs desk while going through his email.

"Catch him doing what, Alice?" Gibbs asks me while walking over to me.

"Jerking off at his desk?"

"Kate, is that true?"

"Nothing. Um... I was just giving Tony here some fashion advice," Kate answers Gibbs without telling him the truth.

"On what?"

"Oh, he was just thinking about... getting both of his ears pierced?"

"That right, DiNozzo?"

"I think Kate misunderstood, boss. What I was really talking about was elongating the lobe," Tony tries to lie to Gibbs.

"Hey, if you want to look like a gay pirate, that's your call."

"I thought you were going to an anti-terrorism conference today, Gibbs?" Kate cut in making me give him a look.

"Change of plan. A marine Gunnery Sergeant didn't show up for duty this week."

"Since when do we track down U-A Marines?" Tony questions Gibbs while closing the game.

"Since he's one of a handful of people who know how to arm small yield nuclear weapons. His S.R.B. I've got forty-five minutes to memorize it. And Tony? If that game's still on your computer in the morning, I'll pierce your ears myself."

"Can you do my ears too?" I question Gibbs softly while pulling up the file for Gibbs to memories.


"No fair. Do you want a coffee while you are memorising this?" I softly as Gibbs while getting out of his chair but he doesn't answer me but give me his signature look that says, what do you think?' so I add, "Okay, I'll get you one and something for you to eat."


"How long has the pick-up been in your lot?" Gibbs integrates the bar maid at a country bar.

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