Eye Spy

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Who do you think Alice's father is?

"Good morning, Kate, Alice," Tony mumbles around a mouthful of food.

"I assume that was good morning," Kate asks to him with a quick glance up from her computer.

"Want one?" Tony asks while offering Kate a doughnut.

"No. thanks."

"Really good."

"Can I have one," I ask Tony while getting up from Gibbs desk and walk over and take one of Tony doughnuts to eat.

"Not worth the price. I like keeping my belt notched exactly where it is," Kate informs him.

"While we are talking about belts, you owe me a new belt," I remind Kate and Tony.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony probes her.

"What mean?" Kate asks while pushing her eyebrows together.

"The whole sort of raised eyebrows winky thing."

"Nothing, really. Just a... a nervous tic."

"I've weighed exactly the same since the day I graduated from college. Never up, never down."

"Certainly you would know. Do you weigh yourself a lot?"

"I never weigh myself."

"I see. Huh. I don't pay that close attention to your body, Tony."


"But Tony, if you're happy with the way you are, that's all that counts."

"Gibbs, Mm-hmm," Gibbs said into his phone when it rings as he walks into the office. "We've got a murder at little Creek. Get Ducky," Gibbs says as he gets his gear and walks away.

"Are you alright?" Kate asks Tony while getting her gear and walking away. When no-one is looking Tony tightens his belt.

"Couldn't be better," Tony asks her.


"Who found the body?" Gibbs asks when we get to the beach with the body on it.

"I did. An anonymous tip was called into Base Security saying someone was stabbed here," Roe informs us.

"Victim been ID'd?"

"Yes, sir. Lieutenant Commander Thomas Egan. His wallet was found in the S-U-V."

"Kate, photos."

"Got it," Kate tells him while grabbing the camera and doing it.

"Tag Heuer. You don't leave one of those around if you're robbing a guy," Tony says while looking at the tag Heuer.

"You know the Lieutenant Commander assignment?" Gibbs asks Roe.

"Yes, sir. He's attached as a technical advisor to side-scan, a civilian contractor on the base. Don't know any more. Their work's classified," Roe enlightens us.

"Keep this under wraps, Master Chief."

"Yes, sir," Roe said as the waves start to come close to the crim scene.

"We have a rising tide," Ducky enlightens us what we already now.

"Okay! DiNozzo?" Gibbs calls out.

"Yo!" DiNozzo says to him.

"You and me take measurements. We'll rebuild them later in the lab. Kate, more photos," Gibbs yells out.

Alice's storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon