Dead Man Talking

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"Special Agent Todd's desk. I'm sorry, she stepped away," Tony answers Kate's phone.

"DiNozzo!" Kate hisses at him.

"May I ask whose calling? Um... one moment," Tony ignores Kate.



"I do have voicemail."

"You do, it's called Tony," I state making Kate glare at me while snatching the phone off of Tony.

""What fun is that?" Tony asks Kate.

"Hi. Um... yeah. Me, too. Oh, yeah, I know where that is. Okay, great. I'm leaving now. 'Bye," Kate says into her phone with her back to us like that made it so we can't hear here.

"His name is Dwayne?" Tony asks in confusion.

"Yep, and his as ugly as his name makes him sound," I inform Tony.

"You really need to get a social life of your own," Kate hisses at Tony and me.

"Oh, I have a social life," Tony informs tony.

"What's tonight?"

"No. Best of Jackass."

"Hold on!" Gibbs orders when we get our gear to leave.

"What is it, boss?" Tony ask Gibbs in confusion.

"Chris Pacci was murdered."

"The agent that sits behind me?" Kate asks while looking over to the agent's desk.


"Detective Hanley," Gibbs say when we get to the crime sense to investigate the murder of own of our own.

""Special agent Gibbs," Hanley says to Gibbs.

"Thanks for the call."

"When we ID'd him as NCIS, I assumed you'd want to take the lead."

"I appreciate that. Who found the body?"

"The janitor and the security guard. They were alerted when a fire alarm went off on the fifth floor."

"On our way up," Tony say to Gibbs.

"We held off on taking their statements. Thought you'd want to do that."

"Oh, Christopher, who did this to you? It's easier to overcome the gore and inhumanity when you don't know the victim. But it's so hard to be detached when it's one of your own," Ducky rambles to poor Pacci.

"Should I start taking photos, Doctor Mallard?" Jason, Gerald's replacement, asks Ducky.

"Yeah. Work goes on."


"I called nine-one-one and someone left the building from the rear emergency exit, setting off the door alarm," the guard explains to us in the stairway.

"Did the security cameras catch it?" Gibbs asks the guard.

"Um, they're not installed yet. The building's being retrofitted with a new systems and nothing's online."

"What time did Chr..."

"What time did the victim enter the building?" I ask the guard when Gibbs stops after starting to say the victim's name.

"I don't remember seeing him come in," the guard answers me.

"Is there another entrance?" Gibbs ask him once he recomposed himself.

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