The Bone Yard

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"Wow, she's pretty flexible," McGee exclaims when he sees Kate Stretching in the naval gym.

"Just don't let her catch you looking at her, Probie," Tony explains to him but she has already seen him.

"I think she saw me. She gave me that look."

"What look?"

"The look she's always giving you."

"Your dead know McGee. It was sorta nice knowing you," I explain to him making him jump because he didn't know I was standing behind him.

"Yep. She saw you. Hope you wore a cup," Tony agrees with me while giving McGee some helpful advice.

"Okay, welcome to my version of close combat training. McGee?" Gibbs says while walking into the gym.

"Yeah?" McGee asks him in fear.

"You start with Kate. Go on!" Gibbs orders him and when it was just Tony and me, Gibbs just turn to Tony and adds, "All right, you and me in the ring today."

"Are you sure about that? I've been taking classes," Tony informs Gibbs making him smile.

"In what?"


"What do you want me to?" I question Gibbs.

"Watch and learn," Gibbs answers me.

"Whoo, whoo! Come on buddy," Tony exclaims from his spot in the boxing ring with Gibbs. He is dodging and weaving even though Gibbs hasn't thrown a punch yet.

"Not bad, DiNozzo," Gibbs complements Tony.

"Thanks. You learn how to box in the Marines?"

"Nope. Corps doesn't teach boxing."

"That's your loss," Tony exclaims while throwing a punch at Gibbs but Gibbs just grab his arm and throw him into the ground and pin him down with a smile on his face.

"They teach fighting," Gibbs informs Tony as his phone rings.

"Your phone," Tony gasps out to Gibbs because Gibbs is holding his throat and the wind has been knocked at him.

"Gibbs," Gibbs answers his phone while letting Gibbs go.

"Are you going to take that abuse, McGee?" Tony calls over to McGee while Kate pins him to the ground again.

"No!" McGee answers him before flipping Kate over onto the floor.

"That's more like it, McGee. Why were you holding back?" Kate questions McGee.

"Well, you're a... I mean, I've never wrestled a..."

"A girl? Tony, I look like a girl to you?"

"All I see are two NCIS special agents," Tony wisely answers her.

"Well, if I can have a say, all I see are two little, five year old girls," I explain to Kate and McGee glare at me.

"Me, too," Kate agrees with Tony before kneeing McGee in the balls.

"Training's over. We're heading to Quantico. Guy tried to outrun a five hundred pound bomb," Gibbs explains to us over McGee's groans and moans of pain.


"He tried to outrun a bomb. Who the hell can do that? I can't outrun a bomb, can you?" I snap at her in confusion about her question.

"He lost," Gibbs agrees with me about the only possible outcome for that race.

"Hey, she had three older brothers growing up. I think there's some unresolved issues there," Tony informs McGee once he gets over his pain.

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